Decimals, so far We know that decimal numbers have a decimal point We know that we use decimal numbers in real life especially when dealing with money We can identify the place value of decimal numbers We know how to order decimal numbers
Decimal Operations Adding Subtracting Multiplying Dividing Rounding
Bart: I am right. I have lined all the numbers up. Here’s the question! 3.9156 + 3.99 = Lisa: I am right. My decimal place is in a line and all my numbers are in column. 3 . 9 1 5 6 3.9 9 3 . 9 9 3 . 9 1 5 6 Homer: Doh! I don’t have a clue what to do next?! 3 . 9 1 5 6 3 . 9 9
The golden rules: The decimal points MUST be aligned before adding the numbers. Where necessary, add place holder zeros to help.
€3.22 + €5.71 €8. 9 3
€4.18 + €3.75 €7. 9 3 1
€2.89 + €1.58 €4. 4 7 1 1
2.7 Introduce a place holder zero, so that each number has the same number of DECIMAL PLACES. + 5.46 8. 1 6 1
5.59 This place holder zero can only ever be put at the very beginning or the very end. + 3.5 9. 9 1
6 23.7 1 1 1 - 14.56 9. 1 4
I bought a new app costing €3. 22 and a new phone case which cost €5 I bought a new app costing €3.22 and a new phone case which cost €5.71 I had a €10 note. How much change did I receive? €1.07
Adding/Subtracting Decimals.. where do you stand? I got this I’m getting there I need help
Real life situation involving decimals Write down a real life situation involving decimals like the one we just did Swap your situation with a peer Solve the situation and discuss the answers
Homework for Tomorrow Pg 112 Ex 7i 25-27 Pg 114 Ex 7j 37-39