Bell Ringer What are the four goals of psychology (try not to look at your notes)? What is psychology? How are intelligence and affluence related?
Sec. 2: A Brief History of Psychology
Historical Approaches Structualism Functionalism Inheritable Traits
Structuralism Wilhelm Wundt Wanted to know how the mind worked Trained participants reported their thoughts and Wundt would try to map out the thoughts. This is called “Introspection”
Functionalism William James (father of psychology in U.S.) Taught first class in psychology – Harvard Univ. Thinking, feeling, learning, and remembering serve one purpose – to help us survive as a species. Functionalists study how animals and people adapt to their environments.
Inheritable Traits Sir Francis Galton How does heredity influence a person (ability, behavior, character)? Found greatness runs in families He raised the issue, is behavior determined by heredity or environment?
Contemporary Approaches Psychoanalytic Behavioral Humanistic Cognitive sociocultural
Psychoanalytic Sigmund Freud Believed that our subconscious played a large role in our behavior. Free Association – he would say a word and his patient would say what first came to their mind.
Behavioral Ivan Pavlov, John Watson, B.F. Skinner Believed behavior could be influenced conditioning and/or reinforcements.
Humanistic Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers Do not believe people are controlled by events (conditions) or unconscious forces. Each person is unique and has a self concept and a potential to develop fully.
Cognitive Jean Piaget, Norm Chomsky How we process, store, retrieve, and use information. Behavior is influenced by perceptions, memories, and expectations.
Sociocultural Focuses on the influence of cultural and ethnic similarities and differences on behavior and social functioning.