Study the sources below and then answer the question which follows: (a) What do Sources A and B suggest about the attitude of white settlers to the Indian way of life? [ 4 marks]
Source A Source B The whites were always trying to make the Indians give up their life and live like white men – go farming, work hard and do as they did. But the Indians did not know how to do that and they didn’t want to anyway. Big Eagle, a Sioux chief, interviewed in the 1890s
How to raise your grade Make a strong point about each source Remember to support your points with evidence from each source Always use a short quote when using a written source
Study the source below and then answer the question which follows: (b) Use Source C and your own knowledge to explain why the Plains Indians saw the US soldiers as enemies [ 6 marks]
Source C In a matter of minutes Custer’s troops destroyed Black Kettle’s village. To kill all the warriors meant separating them from the old men, women and children. This work was slow and dangerous for the cavalrymen; they found it much more efficient and safe to kill without selection. They killed 103 Cheyenne, but only 11 of them were warriors. From a school textbook
How to raise your grade Begin with a strong point based on the source Remember to support your point with evidence from the source Add a comment based on accurate and detailed knowledge
Study the sources below and then answer the question which follows: (c) How useful are Sources D and E to an historian studying the settlement of the Great Plains? [ 8 marks]
Source D Source E You are the White Eagle who has come to steal the land. The Great Father [the US President] sends us presents and wants us to sell him the land. You come with soldiers to steal it before the Indian says yes or no. I will talk with you no more. I will go now, and I will fight you! As long as I live I will fight you for the last hunting grounds of my people. Red Cloud, a Sioux Chief, talking to Colonel Carrington at Fort Laramie in 1866
How to raise your grade Begin by stating that both sources are useful Make supported points to show how each source could be used for the specific enquiry Consider the origin of the source – what difference does this make to the historian? e.g. propaganda
(a) Describe the lifestyle of a mountain man Question 2 Study the sources below and then answer the question which follows: (a) Describe the lifestyle of a mountain man [ 4 marks]
How to raise your grade You must show detailed knowledge of the topic Remember to use a range of key words Try to include a date in your answer
(b) Why was Source F published in 1849? Question 2 Study the sources below and then answer the question which follows: (b) Why was Source F published in 1849? [ 6 marks]
Source F
How to raise your grade Explain the purpose of this document Give evidence from the source to support your point Remember to explain the significance of the date
Question 2 (c) One interpretation is that the most important feature in the life of the Plains Indians was religion and the spiritual world. How far do you agree with this interpretation? [ 10 marks]
Evidence 1 This evidence is from an interpretation written by an historian in the 1980s for a GCSE school history textbook. The most important part of the lifestyle of the Plains Indians was their religious beliefs. Indians greatly respected sacred dances and ceremonies and the tribal medicine man. Evidence 2 This evidence is from a trapper who traded with the Plains Indians. He was speaking to a US government enquiry in the 1850s. I could see that the most important feature of the life of tribes was the use of the buffalo. Their whole life revolved around the hunt for the buffalo herds and the whole tribe depended on the use made of the animal after the hunt.
Evidence 3 This evidence is a painting of the Sun dance, a religious ceremony common amongst Plains Indian tribes.
How to raise your grade Organise the evidence to explain the different interpretations in the question Consider the origin of the evidence – why would the authors hold different opinions? Make a judgement about the interpretation(s)
[ 12 marks] SPAG [3] Question 3 Was the spread of the railroad the main factor in encouraging the later settlement of the Plains? In your answer you should discuss various factors leading to the settlement of the Plains, including the railroad. [ 12 marks] SPAG [3]
How to raise your grade Identify at least 2 factors in your introduction Use an APE paragraph to explain the importance of each factor Support your points with precise knowledge Try to include a quote in the conclusion
SPAG Marks Candidates do not reach the threshold performance highlighted in the mark scheme Level 2 Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with reasonable accuracy in the context of the demands of the question. Any errors do not hinder meaning in the response. Where required, they use a limited range of specialist terms appropriately. Level 3 Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with considerable accuracy and general control of meaning in the context of the demands of the question. Where required, they use a good range of specialist terms with facility. Level 4 Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with consistent accuracy and effective control of meaning in the context of the demands of the question. Where required, they use a wide range of specialist terms adeptly and with precision.