Strategic Reading and Writing Mrs. Maxie LMAXIE@HOUSTONISD.ORG N141 Ms. Fraser (co-teacher) AFRASER@HOUSTONISD.ORG This class is a safe place for you to work at YOUR level to increase your reading, writing, thinking, and discussing proficiency. We will read, write, discuss, and read. Respect yourself, others, and the school environment. Come to class prepared and ready to engage academically. Be on time, EVERY DAY EVERY CLASS PERIOD. If you don’t know or are unsure, ask. Major (60%) + Minor (40%) = Average (100%) **Late work will be accepted for a percentage of the original grade. ***Academic integrity means getting the grade for your work and effort. Cheating = Zero (0) Interactive Notebook Pens and/or pencils Fully charged Laptop BOOK(s) There may be occasional opportunities for EXTRA CREDIT. It is optional and up to you to complete. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to collect, make up, and turn in any missed assignments. Failure to do so, will negatively affect your average. All make-up work should be in by the week before the end of the 6 weeks. Germ X Kleenex Colored pencils Markers Your phone should be: Your phone should not be: *Placed in your backpack, *Charging via your laptop purse, or pocket * Charging in the wall outlet *Out of sight and unused until the dismissal bell rings * Used during class any time *Headphones-off and away*
Any questions? Restroom Policy Grading Periods You are expected to read daily for at least 45 minutes OUTSIDE of your school work. You may read all at once OR break it up into 15 minute increments. To become a better reader, you must read. Restroom Policy You will be given 2 EMERGENCY passes per 6 weeks. Your cell phone should not be taken with you out of the room. Your ID should be on when you are in class and when you step out of it for any reason. Wait for a polite moment to ask for permission to leave the room. Grading Periods 1st August 28- October 6 2nd October 9 – November 10 3rd November 13 – December 21 4th January 8 – February 16 5th February 19 – April 6 6th April 9 – June 1 Interactive Notebook --------------------------- You have 2 options: Take back & forth between class and home Keep in class Will house notes, articles, grammar, writing, response journals, and reading practice. *You are ALWAYS responsible for having it. * SRW Notebook If you need assistance with any assignment, ask. Don’t wait until the last minute! Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are. Any questions?