Introduction Dr. Mohan Singh “Every Thoroughbred, Every Day! All means All!! I welcome You all to chemistry Classroom. All my Education is from India. Published around 20 research articles South Akin High School August 2016 - Richmond County Augusta 2005- 15 McCormick High School, 2004- 05 West Charlotte High school, Charlotte August 2001-04
Classroom Procedures Each student will be assigned a seat. Do not stay out, come in side and occupy your assigned seat before well sounds.
SLANT S – Sit up L -- Listen A – Ask a Questions N – Node your head T – Track the Speaker When a teacher raises his hand with fist, every student will focus on teacher, and follow instructions.
Tardy Policy Door will be locked. Do not open door. Teacher will open the door. Students coming after the bell, get your tardy slip, come in and you will record your name and time you come “in and out” log book. Sign in the log book when going out.
ACPSD Mission The mission of Aiken County school dist. is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Classroom Rules Be Prepared to learn Be attentive Be respectful Be aware of school rules follow them. Be successful
Classroom procedures First 20 minute of class period are very important as teacher will teach/ or gives instructions, avoid going to restroom. Only one student at a time will be allowed to go to facility with pass.
Do not go out side classroom without a pass Do not go out side classroom without a pass. Put your name in ‘in and out’ log book, time and your destination. No food in classroom. Drinks with cape may be allowed. Always raise your hand if you have a question and follow your turn.
As per school policy, no cell phone calls or text messages during class. No head set around nick. During real test or quiz, No cell phone should be visible or on the desk. All times, keep it in your pocket or in your bag.
No notes or book will be allowed during real quiz No notes or book will be allowed during real quiz. Student will be allowed to retake tests or quizzes or make correction on tests
I will tutor after school I will tutor after school. Your parents should know that you are staying after school for tutoring. Students will be helped to complete their homework assignments, make up missed assignment or extra help. We will decide groups for lab or group work assignments.
During analogy or demo, I may need the help of few students During analogy or demo, I may need the help of few students. I will call some students to assist me. You need pen, pencil, notebook, calculator and book in class. You are always welcome to share your views, your method of learning, and suggestion for the instructions in class. During Lab work, you will be working in a groups with safety, stay at your work station and take care of your safety and safety of others.
Classroom Procedures Classroom is a place where not only we learn science, but we learn human values too. It is our responsibility to keep a learning atmosphere where every body is respected and learn from each other.
We will respect every body’s feeling in classroom. Focus on learning, rather passing disgusting notes and distracting other from learning. As per school policies, there is zero tolerance for any kind of bullying in class or use of profanity words.
Offence and Consequences 1st Offence – conference between teacher and student (warning sign & date). 2nd Offence – Detention after school (Call parents). 3rd Offence – Referral to administration. (conference with parents and administration).