Mobile Device Usage in the Classroom Mobile Etiquette Mobile Device Usage in the Classroom
Our phones do a lot!
When we don’t have access to them... Phones connect us to our friends and family--when we don’t have them, we get nervous!
Why some teachers ban all mobile devices Lack of student attention Cheating on tests/assignments Recording students/teachers Cyber-bullying Rumor spreading Can you think of other reasons? Teachers’ concerns Why some teachers ban all mobile devices Why do you think some teachers ban all phones? Here are a few reasons I thought of...
Let’s see how we can have a harmonious, respectful relationship in the classroom with each other AND our devices. We will be making use of your mobile technology this year, but we need some guidelines to make ensure a positive atmosphere in the classroom.
Do… Keep it quiet! Acceptable ways to do that: Turn it completely OFF Put it in “Airplane Mode” Silence the ringer Remember that even on vibrate, it makes a sound. Please make sure we can’t hear your phone. Ever. If we know you’re getting notifications, you’re doing it wrong. Notifications for texts/Snapchat/Instagram can come in fast and furious during class. It is distracting to you and those around you. It’s always tempting to check your phone. And even harder to resist responding. Keep it quiet and pay attention to the lesson!
Do…Use it for educational purposes: Examples of acceptable usage: Research a question Check your grades on StudentVue Kahoot! Calculator Take a picture of lab work or assignment on board If you have a mobile device at school, you are expected to use it for education. Sometimes I will tell the class to get out their devices for an activity. If we are not all using them, please ask permission so I know why you are using it. Sometimes I will tell you “no” or “later”. Please respect that. If I didn’t tell the class to take out their devices, please ask permission.
Do… Stow it! Keep your device AND your earbuds in your bag unless you have permission to use it for a class activity. Your device should NOT be in your lap… Your earbuds should NOT be in your ears or around your neck... If your phone and earbuds are put away, we will all be less distracted. If the earbuds are in your ears, I have no idea if you’re listening to music or not--let’s not have that argument--just put them away during class!
No bag? No problem! Put your phone in Cell Phone Day Care! You will be assigned a number for the year-- that’s your pocket in the “Day Care”. You may charge your device while it’s in day care--it may not be charged in outlets around the room. Leave it there for the duration of class (unless we are using them for a class activity). Cell Phone Day Care is the place for your phone if you need to charge it--or if you don’t have a place to put it--or during tests/quizzes--or if you’ve been caught using it at an unauthorized time. Make sure it is off/silent and that there are no lights for notifications--THAT is just as distracting.
Do...Remember BYOD is a privilege Riverbend’s “Bring Your Own Device” network is an opportunity to use your own cell phone, laptop, tablet, or other mobile device in the classroom for educational purposes. Remember that it is not for social networking, texting, and making phone calls. Again--respect the learning space!
Speaking of texting...
Me, when you say: “But, I’m texting my MOM!” #PhelpsFace
Respect our learning space. Don’t...Text in class Texting is distracting to you and your classmates. Please save your conversations with your friends and family for between classes. Getting important messages from parents about after school activities? Please don’t respond to texts until the end of class. Respect our learning space.
Don’t… Post pictures or video... If we’re doing something particularly awesome in lab and you want a picture of it, PLEASE ask permission. DON’T post pictures/video of your classmates or teacher on social media without their express permission. Respect your peers.
When is it illegal take and/or post an image? It is unlawful for a person to publish on the Internet a videographic or still image made in violation of the current law prohibiting filming, videotaping, or photographing a nonconsenting person in certain situations where there is an expectation of privacy. This is a Class 6 felony. (Code of Virginia § 18.2-386.1)’re not good at it... Music, texting, Snapchatting, and other distracting activities make some people think that they’re getting a lot done at one time. In reality, you’re less productive! Be present and focus on our class activities while you’re here.
It comes down to respect... Respect the learning space--your teacher, your peers, yourself. Use your devices for educational purposes with teacher permission. Texts and social media can wait! Our phones are large parts of our lives--some of us are LOST without them! Let’s be responsible and respectful digital citizens.