JACoW Team Meeting Scientific Program Management System Status, Patches and Support Issues Matt Arena, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
SPMS Conferences PAC 2001 Chicago, Illinois, USA PAC 2003 Portland, Oregon, USA BIW 2004 Knoxville, Tennessee, USA EPAC 2004 Lucerne, Switzerland LINAC 2004 Lübeck, Germany FEL 2004 Trieste, Italy Cyclotrons 2004 Tokyo, Japan Aspen 2005 Aspen, Colorado, USA PAC 2005 Knoxville, Tennessee, USA DIPAC 2005 Lyon, France FEL 2005 Stanford, California, USA COOL 2005 Galena, Illinois, USA EPAC 2006 Edinburgh, Scotland BIW 2006 Batavia, Illinois, USA LINAC 2006 Knoxville, Tennessee, USA PAC 2007 Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA SPMS Status, Patches and Support Issues, JACoW Team Meeting, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Matt Arena 2
Status Fermilab has adopted SPMS for its conferences Fermilab will host the PAC07 database Fermilab is considering offering SPMS database hosting to JACoW, although there may be a fee in the future SPMS support is in my FY06 budget SPMS Status, Patches and Support Issues, JACoW Team Meeting, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Matt Arena 3
What’s New Registration module Referee module added to SPMS Reworked for EPAC06 Small workshop at Fermilab to define requirements More work to do Referee module added to SPMS Based on Ivan Andrian’s modifications to FEL’04 Some cleanup Editor vs. referee status codes Additional reports Removed hard-coded status colors Reorganized administrators’ links SPMS download page http://www-esh.fnal.gov/SPMS/ SPMS Status, Patches and Support Issues, JACoW Team Meeting, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Matt Arena 4
Significant Updates Pending Accommodate private addresses Separate referee codes from editor codes Post-conference SYNC back to the repository Test and run procedure Generate reports and search routines Auto update profile when new affiliation request is approved & track the requesting conference Privacy option (delete account & profile) Character sets (UTF & diacritical marks) Re-test Abstract Reclassification for EPAC style Referee module – multiple referees, auto assignment SPMS Status, Patches and Support Issues, JACoW Team Meeting, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Matt Arena 5
How I Spend My Time 2 FTE months allotted for SPMS Up from 10% in my previous organization Responding to emails and fixing minor problems There seems to be less of my time available Major coding is completed on personal time SPMS Status, Patches and Support Issues, JACoW Team Meeting, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Matt Arena 6
Offloading Support Issues Possible with stand-alone modules such as Difficult to coordinate with core SPMS code Maintain same look and feel Developers must learn/use established library of common routines Possible with stand-alone modules such as Registration Proceedings (Volker’s scripts) File Upload/Download (Ivan’s scripts) SPMS Status, Patches and Support Issues, JACoW Team Meeting, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Matt Arena 7
Possible Stand-alone Modules Registration receipts and badges Personal schedule download to PDA Mailing label generation Repository archive search utility and reports SPMS Status, Patches and Support Issues, JACoW Team Meeting, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Matt Arena 8