Welcome! Please sign in at the table and then find your child’s seat. Feel free to use the markers and paper at each table to write your child a note. Sign in both sign in sheets
Reading and Writing In Class Support Ms. Kristen Weller First Grade Teacher Ms. Cambrea Reading and Writing In Class Support Ms. Arana Math In Class Support Thank yous Introduce myself Other grades But love first grade Introduce Ms. Cambrea and Ms. Arana Helping support the class, small group and working with individual students
Take Home Folders Please check your child’s Take Home Folder every night and bring it back to school. Notes, homework that need to go home, also what I look in every morning lunch money etc Only way to ensure that I am getting the papers that you send in, don’t check backpacks but will check take Home Folders every day
Snacks and Lunch All students should bring a snack and drink. Snacks and lunches should be separate. If your child is buying lunch, send in lunch money in an envelope with their full name, and my name. Link to Cafeteria website for more information-https://www.edgewaterschools.org/Page/911 Lunches go to the lunchroom in the morning, snacks stay in cubby Send in money or pay online
Birthday invitations must go through Mr. Kirkby Birthdays If you would like to bring in a snack for your child’s birthday, it must be from the Healthy Snack List. NO NUTS, PLEASE! Birthday invitations must go through Mr. Kirkby Happy to celebrate birthdays in class but we do have to follow healthy snack guidelines Holidays- can have “not healthy” items but still no nuts Contact me about birthday invitations
Yogurt covered pretzels Goody bags can’t have food
Students can only ride their own bus. If there are any changes regarding dismissal, please email me or send a note in your child’s folder. Students can only ride their own bus. Email me or send a note Call the office if it is the day of
Gym Music Library Art Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday See/email specials teacher regarding any questions. **Gym and Library Wear sneakers! Wear sneakers! Return library book
Behavior Expectations Students are expected to do their best listening and learning throughout the day. A behavior chart is used in class to encourage positive behavior. It will also serve as a warning and consequence for negative behaviors. “How Was My Day?” chart is used to inform you of their daily behaviors Anyone who ends the day on blue, will have a note on the back explaining why I like to focus on positive behaviors, students who are good role models- set examples for others More green and yellow then blue and orange when parents are consistent at home, it is more effective Some parents have done a reward at home, but just positive recognition and encouragement
Behavior charts should stay in folders until the end of the week. Yellow Outstanding! Your child has been an outstanding role model for their classmates today! Green Great Job! Your child made really great choices today. Purple Ready to Learn Your child followed the rules and had a good day. Orange Make better Choices Your child needed a warning/reminder of our class behavior and expectations. Blue Parent Contact Your child made several poor choices after being given a warning. Purple is good, every student starts the day on purple Behavior chart should be kept in folder until Friday each week Behavior charts should stay in folders until the end of the week.
Reader’s Workshop = mini-lesson + independent reading Encourages students to be “real readers”. Reader’s workshop allows the opportunity to tailor instruction more individually and appropriately for each student Reader’s Workshop = mini-lesson + independent reading In our Reading Workshop your child will: * Listen to and respond to literature read aloud by me * Receive small group reading instruction * Read books on their own at their specific reading level * Work with a partner- read and discuss texts Included in papers on the desk is information What I like about it- real readers and it allows students to read at their own individual level, as the year goes on students are reading for longer and longer to build that stamina Starts with mini-lesson and then students spend most of their time reading from their own level books in a book spot, working to practice using the skills that are taught Show book baggy and leveled books Talk about guided reading level- I assess them throughout the year- based on decoding skills, fluency, and comprehension during independent reading
Goal: To develop life-long, passionate readers Reader’s Workshop This instruction will help your child to: * Learn word attack skills * Learn different reading strategies * Focus on comprehension All students will be reading their own “Just Right” books that they are interested in Goal: To develop life-long, passionate readers Students choose their own books on their level, and also what they are interested in
How You Can Help The best way you can help your child to become a better reader is by helping them enjoy reading! Students should be reading for at least 20 minutes a night. (Please keep track of the books they read on their Reading Log) Reading to them, discussing books helps build comprehension. Helping them choose “Just Right” books, as well as books they enjoy. Make it a special time together, reading to them Build stamina at home Reading logs will start going home next week
Shows the difference reading for 20 minutes a day is vs Shows the difference reading for 20 minutes a day is vs. reading 1 minute a day
“just right” books will make them a better reader Using this chart, or scholastic book wizard- guided reading level
Strategies we use Better than just telling them the word
Raz-Kids Great resource for on-level texts More information will be sent home about how to log in https://www.kidsa-z.com/main/ReadingStudent Set up by guided reading level Can put “raz kids” on reading log
Email me if you are interested! Mystery Reader I am looking for Mystery Readers to share their love of reading with us this year! If you would like to surprise your child by coming to read to us, we would love to have you! We will be welcoming Mystery Readers throughout the year on Fridays at 11:10. Email me if you are interested! Another way to make kids excited about reading Paper on desk
Scholastic Books Sent home once a month Can be ordered from catalog (send in a check made out to Scholastic Reading Club) Or ordered from website (can choose books from any grade level catalog) Class Code: MBLJ8 Points are used to expand our classroom library Show catalog Sent home in October Only if you choose to
Writer’s Workshop = mini-lesson + independent writing Students are REAL writers. They will go through the writing process just like every author does. Writer’s Workshop = mini-lesson + independent writing Focus on Four Writing Pieces: “Small Moments” Information Opinion Songs and poems Narrative Goal: Promote confidence in students’ ability to express ideas through their writing Also begins with a mini-lesson where im teaching a writing skill, and then most time is spent writing and using the taught skills, writing time increases as the school year goes on Small moments, “all about” books, stories, songs and poems
Writing Folders Each child will have a writing folder that will serve two purposes: Hold their writing throughout the year Be used to help with ideas for their writing Due Monday, September 18th Show writing folder Pictures of family, vacations, things I like Put tape on it
How You Can Help Encourage writing in any way Journals, To Do lists, reminders, grocery lists… Focus on how writing can be used, NOT on spelling (stretching and spelling the best you can) Inventive spelling Inventive spelling is age appropriate Still time to practice capital letters, punctuation
*Students will be tested on these skills every Friday.* Word Work Sight Words Word Study Words that students should be able to read immediately. They should also be able to spell these words correctly. Four words a week Students will explore patterns and relationships in words. This knowledge can then be applied to reading and writing more words. Focus on one pattern each week. Examples Sight words will be practice for homework Sight words are foundation for reading- practice at home *Students will be tested on these skills every Friday.*
Math Go Math! Aligned with the Common Core Students will be using models, manipulatives, pictures, and symbols to build mathematical understanding. Focuses on solidifying understanding of basic concepts before learning new concepts Differentiated instruction for all learners Students will be focusing on: Addition Subtraction Comparing Numbers Two Digit Addition and Subtraction Measurement Data Geometry Show math book Online component used in class Reading and writing component
Students will have homework each day. Please encourage your child to work on their homework independently. 1. Math- sent home/returned daily 2. Sight Word practice 3. Reading Log Math Homework will be sent home tomorrow Reading log will start next week Word study will start the following week
Word Study Homework Word Study Homework will help your child practice writing the four sight words and word patterns. Each night they have to choose one activity to do from the choices. This will be checked at the end of each week. They MUST DO sentences one night. Show homework notebook Four times a week Homework notebook should stay in folder
Students should be reading for at least 20 minutes a night. Reading Logs Students should be reading for at least 20 minutes a night. Use the reading log to keep track. It should be kept in your child’s folder until the end of each month. I will check it periodically. Can be time spent reading to your child, with your child, or their independent reading Build stamina Use “tricky word” strategies provided on previous slide Raz kids Keep reading log in folder until the end of the month Show example of folder
Science and Social Studies Energy Plants and Animals Patterns in Space The Design Process Social Studies Rules and Laws Neighborhood Helpers Maps and Globes Weather Holidays Yesterday and Today The American People Goods and Services Show science book STEM and design process integrated throughout all the units New social studies program Booklet each month Scholastic news and science spin also used throughout the year to teach both science and social studies concepts
Subscribe to “e-alerts” Class Website My class website is used to keep you informed of important information, events, homework assignments, and what we are learning. I will update the website every Monday with the week’s homework and events. Ms. Weller's Website Subscribe to “e-alerts” Will update during the week if anything changes, important event comes up “Homework Board” E-alerts will let you know when it is updated Reading resources Class list Healthy snack list Additonal information on the website
Important Dates September 21st - No School October 24th- School Pictures November 15th and 16th – Parent Teacher Conferences
Email me with any questions, comments, or to set up a time to meet. kweller@edgewaterschools.org Thank you! End @ 8:15 Writers/Readers workshop info, mystery reader, “homework” for caregivers Take and bring back at any time, or put in basket Sign in on both sign ins Thank you again for coming