National Gallery - London Part 3
Pot Hendrick A Merry Company at Table
Bowl of Fruit and Tankard before a Window Paul Gauguin Bowl of Fruit and Tankard before a Window
Christ taking leave of his Mother Huber, Wolf Christ taking leave of his Mother
Joseph Turner Calais Pier
Pierre Auguste Renoir Gladioli in a Vase
Decker, Cornelis A Cottage among Trees on the Bank of a Stream
Garofalo, Benvenuto Tisi A Pagan Sacrifice
Rubens The Holy Family with Saints in a Landscape
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo A Vision of the Trinity
Metsu Gabriel An Old Woman with a Book
Zugno Francesco The Finding of Moses
Still Life with Book, Papers and Inkwell Francois Bonvin Still Life with Book, Papers and Inkwell Boshart Ambrosius the Elde A Still Life of Flowers in a Wan-Li Vase
Landscape with Mythological Figures Yutenbrok Moses Landscape with Mythological Figures
A Man and a Woman in a Stableyard Peter Quast A Man and a Woman in a Stableyard
Velazquez Diego Rodriguez Christ in the House of Martha and Mary
Saint-Aubin Gabriel A Street Show in Paris
Susannah and the Elders Guido Reni Susannah and the Elders
The Israelites gathering Manna Roberti Ercole The Israelites gathering Manna
Eugene Boudin Deauville Harbour
Figures in an Italian Garden Musheron Frederick Figures in an Italian Garden
Brekelenkam Kyurin Hertz An Interior, with a Man and a Woman seated by a Fire Fantin-Latour Henri The Rosy Wealth of June
Camille Corot, Jean-Baptiste Dardagny, Morning
Nicolas Poussin Extreme Unction
Landscape with Hagar and the Angel Gerard Dou A Poulterer's Shop Claude Lorrain Landscape with Hagar and the Angel
Pontormo Jacopo Carucci Pharaoh with his Butler and Baker
Saints Augustine, Hubert, Ludger and Gereon Unknown Artist Saints Augustine, Hubert, Ludger and Gereon
Brinberg Bartolomeo The Finding of the Infant Moses by Pharaoh's Daughter
The Virgin and Child with a Supplicant Andrea Previtali The Virgin and Child with a Supplicant
Haitham Yang Hollyhocks and Other Flowers in a Vase
Claude Monet The Gare St-Lazare
Teniers, David Jr. The Covetous Man
Peasants playing Bowls outside a Village Inn Teniers, David Jr. Peasants playing Bowls outside a Village Inn
Johann Olivier Abraham and Isaac Ohtervelt Jacob Lucas Two Women and a Man making Music
Adolphe Monticelli Fountain in a Park
Paul Cezanne Avenue at Chantilly
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