Variety Of Life: Science Review Lessons 1-6 2015
Discuss the following terms with your partner Adaptation Arthropod Classification system Identification key Insect Warm blooded Cold blooded
Identify the following terms Adaptation: an organism’s structures, skills, and abilities that enable it to survive in its environment. Arthropod: an invertebrate animal that has jointed legs, a body made up of distinct parts, and an external skeleton (or exoskeleton).
Identify the following terms Classification system: a method of sorting and grouping things.
Identify the following terms Identification key: a list of questions and possible answers about the structural features of organisms to help identify an unknown species. Sample identification key: Adult Segmented Land Animals Arthropods Insects Does the animal have legs? How many legs does the arthropod have? What kind of wings does the insect have? a) Yes, Go to Arthropods. a) 6 legs ... Go to insects a) No wings ... Go to fleas b) No, Go to Annelid Worms. b) 8 legs ... Go to spiders b) 2 clear wings ... Go to flies c) More than 8 legs ... Go to Many-legged arthropods. c) 4 clear wings ... Go to bees
Identify the following terms Insect: arthropods that have three pairs of jointed legs, a body made up of three distinct parts, and an exoskeleton.
Identify the following terms Warm blooded: refers to animals that keep their body temperature at a roughly constant level. This involves the ability to cool down or produce more body heat.
Identify the following terms Cold-blooded: refers to animals that do not use their metabolism to maintain body temperature. They control their body temperature through external means, such as by basking in the sun or by hibernating.
Discuss with your partner: How can we differentiate between living things and non-living things? ( MRS GREN)
How can we differentiate between living things and non-living things? All living things share 7 easily observable characteristics which include: M ovement R espire S ense G rowth R eproduction E xcretion N utrition
Discuss with your partner: Give 2 examples of a living and a non living thing. Explain why they are classified this way.
Give 2 examples of a living and a non living thing Give 2 examples of a living and a non living thing. Explain why they are classified this way. Living Non living Insects Rock Mammals Air When I asked myself the questions of MRS GREN (characteristics of life) the answer was yes to all questions. When I asked myself the MRS GREN questions (characteristics of life) the answer was no to all questions.
Discuss with your partner: Explain, with an example, how animals (not pets) adapt to their environments.
Explain, with an example, how animals (not pets) adapt to their environments. Adaptation Polar Bear Uses ice as a platform to find food. They have a layer of fat to help them stay warm and remain afloat. Beluga Whale They do not have a dorsal back fin which allows them to move easily under floating ice. They layer of blubber to insulate them in them in the cold water.
Discuss with your partner: Name three structures of arthropods.
Name three structures of arthropods. All arthropods have: Three or more pairs of jointed legs A hard outside coating called an exoskeleton that covers the whole body A body made up of two or more distinct parts
Discuss with your partner: Name three structures of insects.
Name three structures of insects. All insects have: Three pairs of jointed legs An exoskeleton A body made up of three distinct parts
Discuss with your partner: List 5 animals found on land, in air and in water.
List 5 animals found on land, in air and in water. Animals found in the Air Animals found in the water Moose Bumblebee Catfish Fox Bat Cod Bear Dragonflies Herring Deer Blue jay Salmon Coyote Robbin Bass