SAT List #1 5 on front, 5 on back- space out! abeyance abhor abstruse acerbic acuity adept adroit alacrity ambivalence ameliorate
Here we go again! 1. Our soccer game was held in abeyance because there was a possibility of rain. (n) temporary inactivity 2. People who abhor spiders are known to have arachnophobia. (v) hate 3. Understanding the abstruse logic behind geometry proofs was the bane of Ms. Wu’s existence. (adj) hard to understand; esoteric
Acerbic -> >=O 4. The lemon was acerbic and made her cringe. (adj) sour or astringent in taste; harsh or severe [My acerbic criticism would make you cry] 5. The acuity of Bob’s vision was deteriorating and he needed glasses. (n) sharpness; acuteness; keenness 6. After years of playing, Linda was finally an adept piano player. (adj) Very skilled; proficient; expert
Adroit Leader in TTTC? 7. An adroit leader is good at handling issues under pressure. (adj) cleverly skillful, resourceful, or ingenious 8. When Sue’s long-time crush asked her to go to prom, she accepted his offer with alacrity. (n) promptness in response; cheerful readiness Always love Jackie and Alexis
One down, 19 to go! 9. Joe felt ambivalence when his best friend asked him to help her cheat on a test. (n) coexistence of opposing ideas or feelings toward a subject; uncertainty or fluctuation 10. She tried to ameliorate the fight between her parents but could not get them to compromise. (v) to make better; improve; solve a problem Alexis+Jackie=awesomeness!!! B)