Five Year Forward View 2015-2020 Board of Directors Planning Session Investing in our Local Labour Market Five Year Forward View 2015-2020 Board of Directors Planning Session May 28, 2015
TWIG Planning Goals A shared understanding of TWIG’s planning context for 2015- 2020 Review and confirmation of TWIG’s vision and mission Confirmation of TWIG’s strategic directions for 2015-2020 Specific goals and activities for each of the strategic directions Review board governance role as strategic leadership
Planning Agenda 4:00 PM Welcome & Meeting Start-up Context for Planning Change 5:40 Break TWIG’s 20/20 Strategic Priorities 7:00 Dinner Break Action Planning for 2015-2016 Meeting Review and Summary TWIG Business 9:00PM Meeting Adjournment
TWIG Strategic Framework Enablers Strategic Strategic Mission Vision Goals Directions A Toronto with good, sustainable jobs in a vibrant economy where the opportunity to participate is available to all. The Toronto Workforce Innovation Group (TWIG) conducts RESEARCH, DISSEMINATES INFORMATION and convenes stakeholders to ADDRESS WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT TRENDS, gaps and opportunities Research & Dissemination of Labour Information Workforce Development Practices Partnerships & Community Engagement Organizational & Fiscal Sustainability Strategic Aims and Goals Governance/Leadership…Technology and Information Management…Communications… HR Management Information about satisfying/meaningful jobs..... A skilled and knowledgeable labour force....More green industry.....Stronger economy
Shared Context for Planning Forward Strengths & Capabilities Opportunities/Aspirations TWIG 2015-2020 Successes/Achievements Environmental Trends STEPI
TWIG’s 2020 Focus 2015-2016 TWIG Operating Plan Research & Dissemination of Labour Information Workforce Development Practices Partnerships & Community Engagement Organizational & Fiscal Sustainability 1-2 Priority Goals 1-2 Priority Goals 1-2 Priority Goals 1-2 Priority Goals 2015-2016 TWIG Operating Plan 2015-2016 TWIG Governance Plan
Put each big, bold idea on post-it. Priority Areas for TWIG 2016-2020 What are the 1-2 priority initiatives in each strategic direction for TWIG to pursue over the next 4-5 years? Consider… What initiatives/ actions are you already taking and you want to continue in order to achieve success What do you need to stop doing or let go of in order to meet your priority initiatives? Work in pairs Post on notes and post on 4 SD on wall Put each big, bold idea on post-it.
Priority Selection Criteria Consistent with TWIG’s mission and goals in a targeted, specific way Creates focus and direction Creates value that is measured by results Influenced by external environmental drivers Based on successes and strengths from experience Have greatest impact on integration & coordination of care (“Make opportunities) Resource “wise” (Involves commitment of resources that cannot be easily reversed) Are the “break” opportunities if you do not do them Outcomes 2-3 Priorities for 2020!
Critical Next Steps: Develop Short Term Action Plans Based on Longer Term Goals Actions to be taken over the next 10 – 12 months Governance responsibilities for ongoing action planning E.g. Executive Committee Resource requirements (Staff, Volunteers, Funding, Time etc.) Communications (Who, What, How To Whom) Other… Accountability 10 minutes
Summary and Next Steps Fine tune 2020 priorities and objectives Align with TWIG’s BSC Approve 2020 Strategic Plan by Board of Directors Communicate to relevant stakeholders Implement changes Celebrate successes