INDIA FROM 600 BCE - 600
HINDUISM Vedic Age: religious texts (1500-500 bce) Aryans drove Dravidians down south Introduced VARNA (color) and JATI (caste) Brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya, shudra Connected to reincarnation and the idea of KARMA (and DHARMA)
SAMSARA – Going through the cycle of rebirth MOKSHA – release from the cycle “Truth is one, paths are many” – tolerance All beings have a soul and are connected to an all-encompassing, universal soul Holi celebration Puja Ganesha Krishna
JAINISM & BUDDHISM THIS WAS A REACTION AGAINST BRAHMIN POWER! Jainism: strict non-violence religion Food restrictions, masks, brooms, extreme asceticism tower
BUDDHISM Believes in reincarnation and “moksha” – release from cycle of life….but that it can be done without the caste system Some Buddhists are revered as Bodhisattvas: those that achieved enlightenment but chose to be reborn to help others TWO SECTS: Mahayana (China) Theraveda (India – traditional)
MAURYAN EMPIRE – 324-184 BCE Chandragupta created the Mauryan Empire – the first centralized Indian empire Inspired by Alexander the Great ¼ of agricultural crops were paid as tax Pataliputra was the capital ASHOKA – grandson…converted to Buddhism spread the religion to other areas Very strong tradition and government
GUPTA 320-550 CE Tried to be like the MAURYAN EMPIRE Even named their King “Chandra Gupta” Did not control as much territory and not as centralized as Mauryan…a little weak THEATRE-STATE…a way to “persuade” others to think they are bigger and stronger: splendor, orderliness of the capital, parades Concept of “0” developed in India Women had very little power: barred from studying, property, married young (6 years old), sati