Must haves for the Foundations Civilizations Chart If you already have these written in your chart, highlight them. If not, write them in and highlight them.
Mesopotamia Community Development Form of Writing Organized Systems Sumer, Babylon, Akkad…major city states/kingdoms Trade with Mohenjo-Daro Organized Systems Sargon of Akkad Hammurabi of Babylon First written law code The Assyrian Empire Included Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, parts of Anatolia, & most of Egypt. Complex Social Structures Kings were viewed as offspring of gods. Priests were elite…sometimes the kings. Slavery was common Was a Patriarchal society—Men dominated. Form of Writing Cuneiform—world’s first written language “Epic of Gilgamesh”—best known example of Mesopotamian literature. Artistic Achievements Built temples known as Ziggurats Developed Technology Iron metallurgy The wheel Shipbuilding Irrigation systems
Shang China Community Development Form of Writing Organized Systems Mainly along the Yellow River Organized Systems Mandate of Heaven--justification for the Emperor’s right to rule. Veneration of ancestors—Ancestor Worship Complex Social Structures Peasants were the majority of the population Slaves were used as sacrificial victims Form of Writing Pictographic language Early examples written on oracle bones “Book of Songs”—most notable of the classic works. Artistic Achievements Developed Technology Wood, bone, and stone tools before iron and bronze Bronze metallurgy Iron metallurgy
Mohenjo-Daro Community Development Form of Writing Indus River less predictable than the Nile in Egypt Wheat and barley were main staple crops. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro possibly served as twin capitals. Indo-European family of languages evolved from the original language. Organized Systems Complex Social Structures Varied social distinctions/classes The Caste System developed…probably brought by the Aryans Form of Writing Prolific record keepers, however the earliest language has not been deciphered. The Aryans later brought Sanskrit to the Indus Valley. Artistic Achievements Developed Technology Developed standardized weights and measures.
Egypt Community Development Form of Writing Artistic Achievements Along the Nile Predictable flooding Organized Systems Centralized state ruled by Pharaohs—God-Kings. Polytheistic—Re, the sun god/Osiris, god of the afterlife. Cult of Aten—first monotheism Complex Social Structures Form of Writing Hieroglyphic writing Artistic Achievements Built enormous monuments and the Pyramids. Developed Technology mummification
Olmec Community Development Form of Writing Artistic Achievements Staple foods—beans, chili peppers, avocados, squash, gourds, maize. Lived in agricultural villages Organized Systems Rituals of human sacrifice The “ballgame” Complex Social Structures Believed that civil conflict ruined their society and is the reason it died out. Form of Writing Did not leave written records Artistic Achievements Colossal human heads—possibly likenesses of rulers. Developed Technology Calendar
Chavin—rose around 1200 BCE Community Development Lived in the Andes Mountains— ancestors to the Incas Domesticated llamas Staple foods—potatoes, quinoa Organized Systems Shamans revered for having divine connections Complex Social Structures Very little warfare Form of Writing Artistic Achievements Large temples and stone sculptures Developed Technology