Year 5 Parents’ Meeting November 2014
Aims of the Meeting Explanation of homework tasks How you can help at home Information about Year 5 booster classes Entrance exam preparation Any Questions
Homework Year 5 children are given Literacy, Numeracy, reading and spelling homework every week. The homework has been specially selected to help your child develop skills in independence, pace, writing and calculation strategies. It is important that children complete homework independently. They should also work to a set timescale which should be about 30 minutes per piece. Help can be given to the children where appropriate but please indicate where this has been necessary.
Numeracy The children will complete Schofield and Sims homework matched to their ability. This gives them solid practise in answering different types of questions, choosing the correct calculation strategy and revision, consolidation of concepts and skills. It is important for children to show their working out so that errors can be tracked back. If you have already bought Schofield and Sims books please don’t work ahead as specific strategies are worked on in class to indicate their level of understanding. The children will undertake an NFER test in the AUTUMN and Summer terms which will give them an age standardised score.
Independent Learning It is important to encourage the children to be independent in all areas. This will help the children to become more independent learners. This can be achieved by giving your child their own degree of independence at home through the allocation of tasks for which they are responsible.
Booster Classes The booster classes begin after Whit half term. They will take place on a Tuesday from 3.30pm until 4.30pm. They will be led KS2 teachers. The aims of the sessions are: To increase your child’s confidence in Numeracy To revise the four rules of number and use of calculation strategies. To practise exam techniques such as pace, accurate reading of the questions and understanding of the language involved
3: TESTS Verbal , Non-Verbal, Maths, English and writing tests (each school selects own entry test criteria) Sections separately timed or recent tests all areas assessed in a paper Some tests multiple choice Adaptations for pupils with special educational need There will be two tests each lasting about 45-50 minutes. Each test will assess a child’s verbal ability, numerical ability and non-verbal ability. Each section within the two tests will be separately timed. Administration and timing will be done by the use of a CD to achieve standard timings and delivery in every test setting. All the test items will be multiple-choice and the number of choices is likely to vary from four to seven depending on the type of item. The child will, therefore, complete separate answer sheets which will be machine-marked. Pupils with special educational needs may be given extra time (and separate CDs will be available with the extra time built into them). Discussions are ongoing to ensure that all types of special need are catered for. Details have still to be agreed but, for example, there will be the opportunity for pupils to be given up to 25% extra time, which is a standard allowance for some pupils with special needs, and large print versions will be available. The design of the new tests reflects the now widely-accepted view among psychologists and educators that ‘ability’ is multi-faceted and that a single focus on verbal ability is too restrictive. The new tests will, therefore, enable pupils to show their ability in a range of contexts.
Sale- CEM - VR , NVR and Maths Sale- CEM - VR , NVR and Maths. 2 multiple choice tests 45 min each containing all elements St Ambrose – GL Standardised VR, English and Maths exam Loreto – GL – VR multiple choice, English multiple choice, Maths and English papers set by the school similar to SATS Altrincham girls GL -VR , English and Maths Multi choice qualifying score 334 Altrincham boys GL – VR, English and Maths , Qualifying score of 334, if within 13 marks of qualifying score paper will be reviewed
Verbal Reasoning Example
Verbal ability example
Numerical reasoning example
Non verbal reasoning example
Schools are trying to tutor proof the entrance exams and are moving towards the Durham University model of assessment – known as CEM Sale have already started assessing this year with this model. There are no past papers published , however there are maths and literacy work books available and we have used these as a basis for the booster maths sessions Other schools continue to use GL / NFER assessment as in previous years
As Y5 teachers we are aware of a number of areas that affect the children The impact of coaching Pupil stress and anxiety We want to ensure that both of these areas are managed sensitively and ensure that the children are allowed to prepare for the tests, but maintain a healthy balance during the academic year School homework should be the priority Allow children ‘down time’ clubs, sports and time with friends is very important for the development of the whole child
ANY QUESTIONS ? ANY questions ?