FLOOD RESPONSE UPDATE BALOCHISTAN December 2010 Also FATA but FDMA agreed to work there. 1
INITIAL IMPACT 16 affected districts in Balochistan province 54 people killed More than 600.000 people affected 2.896 villages affected 100.415 families affected 962.463 acres of cropped damaged 421 School damaged Over 100 IDPs camps initially established
FLOOD AFFECTED POPULATION PER DISTRICT FLOOD TOTAL AFFECTED DISTRICT INUNDATION POP. POPULATION (Approximate) ► JAFFARABAD: 80% 595,565 350,938 ► NASIRABAD: 35% 355,644 200,308 ► KACHHI: 20% 255,480 60,889 ► JHAL MAGSI: 20% 108,653 55,816 TOTAL: 1,315,342 667,951
Overall IDPs Camp Population / 02 December District Families Males Females Children Total Population Jaffarabad 2120 3053 3152 7476 13681 Naseerabad 1510 2027 2361 7650 12038 Quetta 123 221 262 354 837 Sibi 65 125 117 240 482 Jhalmagsi 497 1028 1029 2868 4925 Grand Total 4315 6454 6921 18588 31963
Camps/Settlements status as of 2 December # Districts Open Closed Total 1 Jaffarabad 11 09 20 2 Quetta 06 25 31 3 Sibi 05 13 18 4 Jhalmagsi 5 Naseerabad 12 08 45 64 109
Number of IDPs Families trend - 1st / 8th Week (first week of data collection until beginning of Dec) Total Families: 1st Week 7759 & 8th Week 4315 – Difference 3444 Families
Summary of Willing and Un-willing Families
No. of families Surveyed SURVEY AT FEW SELECTED CAMP LEVEL Distict Name No. of Camps Population No. of families Surveyed CNIC Availability Family heads having CNICs No. of IDP Family heads who do not have CNICs Jhalmagsi 3 1379 171 167 4 Naseerabad 5842 780 565 215 Jaffarabad 9836 1420 1142 278 Sibi 9 1619 210 153 57 Grand Total 18 18676 2581 2027 554
No. of families Surveyed Families Requiring Support RETURNS INTENTION OF REMAING IDPS FAMILIES IN CAMP/SETTMENTS District No. of families Surveyed Willingness Families Requiring Support Families Willing to return back Average days IDPs willing to return back Transport Food WATAN Card Shelter Materials Jhalmagsi 171 108 7 39 115 94 Naseerabad 780 628 4 496 494 393 440 Jaffarabad 1420 1356 43 534 276 147 Sibi 210 165 63 84 8 19 Grand Total 2581 2257 5 641 1227 677 700
Number of Medical Camps established for Flood Affectees / IDPs S.No District Name Number of Camps 1 Quetta 2 Sibi 6 3 Naseerabad 4 Barkhan - 5 Kohlu Jaffarabad 7 Bolan 8 Jhal Magsi 13
CURRENT SITUATION Water receded and people back in/near homes or hosted by relatives IDPs still remaining in some camps during coming 6 months. Land still under water and people back in/near homes or hosted by relatives
ASSISTANCE Transitional Shelter 20.000 by 2010 NFIs FOOD distributed Water sanitation provided
WATAN CARDS DISTRIBUTION *as of 6 December Dera Allah Yar 23.259 Gandakha 5.951 Sohbat Pur 12.942 Usta Muhammad 10.395 TOTAL 52,547 Total Cash Disbursed Rs. 287,267,450 million
Number of Health Facilities Damaged District Total Damaged Bolan 43 03 Kohlu 69 11 Barkhan 26 Naseerabad 33 07 Jhal Magsi 34 14 Jaffarabad 85 77 Sibi Loralai 89 08 Musa Khail 27 06 Zhob 45 02 494 138 17
WATER SUPPLY SCHEMES AFFECTED BY FLOOD S.No. District Total Number of WSS Affected Partially Restored WSS Affected Population Estimated Cost for Restoration of WSS 1 Jaffarabad 56 11 371,000 155.877 2 Naseerabad 12 9 56,000 14.517 3 Jhal Magsi 4 2,600 3.416 Sibi 14 7 86,000 14.365 5 Harnai 6 25,000 9.263 Bolan 10,000 2.600 Killa Saifullah 36,800 8.980 8 Barkhan 20 20,000 12.210 Musa Khail 7,100 3.323 10 Kohlu 5,800 9.000 Loralai 3,500 1.082 Zhob 13 11,400 24.232 Sherani 8,600 8.925 157 75 644,200 267.751 18
CHALLENGES Limited field movements due to security situation/concerns Lack of humanitarian space Coordination mechanism at field level not fully operational Shifting from relief into early recovery is the main challenge ahead considering that thousands of families are residing in tents by their damaged properties Difficulties in receiving reliable figures from Government counterparts, PDMA Is not sharing updated info on flood affected areas GCC in Quetta not taking place since 3 weeks Limited funds for Balochistan province Limited visibility of Balochistan humanitarian crisis Integrated approach amongst clusters Availability of shelter material in local market Some Landlords not willing to keep camps in their properties Force / Pressure by local community and by landlords against IDPs to return Issues related to distribution of WATAN cards Equitable access to assistance Information data management Distribution of food at camp level
Challenges 2 Drinking water - WHO states that the results of water 95% is contaminated while the water provided by PHED is highly chlorinated. Children facing shortage of warm cloths in Nassirabad Insufficiency and gaps in services / assistance, particularly following the withdrawal of the Pakistani army from relief activities in the area Reports of a few cases of GBV, related to abduction of girls, forced marriage and domestic violence >> Need of GBV coordinator in Balochistan Lack of medical assistance and mobility aids for persons with disability
PRIORITIES Enlargement of humanitarian space and need of more field missions Increase field protection Increase protection monitoring Stand by agreement of all clusters for staff rapid deployment Operational contingency plan at provincial level in collaboration with authorities (UN /ERF funded project to PDMA) Reinforce coordination mechanism at the District level with authorities and amongst agencies Speed up the construction of transitional shelter in place of origin and Incorporate asap the delivery of the Food component with the Shelter Speed up the implementation of the winterization plan to people of concern at camp level Constantly monitoring the WATAN cards distribution Issuance of NADRA cards to vulnerable families without any discrimination. Need for increasing awareness on the situation of Balochistan IDPs affected population Need to conduct multiple PI missions in affected areas. Equitable access to assistance / NFIs distribution should reach the direct beneficiaries. UNDSS conducting a new SRA at field level Provision of child protective services in the district of Jafarabad. *funds needed
ACTIONS Ongoing advocacy with Governmental authorities to assess ground situation at place of origin Advocacy > Authorities to meet with landlords and discuss land issues HC met with divisional commissioner and facilitated more coordination between government and humanitarian actors Transitional shelter project at place of origin Protection working group monitoring WATAN cards distribution Rapid protection assessment Protection monitoring mechanism in place UNDSS will be requested to conduct anew SRA in the province incorporating all counterparts such as ICRC, NGOs military, police, civil society, religious leaders and others Strenghtening the intercluster coordination mechanism WHO advocated with PHED to have 5 Mobile health units operational in Naseerabad, Jaffarabad and JhalMagsi at place of origin More visibility guaranteed through the creation of BRSP website on CCCM http://cccm.brsp.org.pk that will be linked with www.pakresponse.info