• Elisa Morreale • BA in Liberal Studies and concentration in English 3 Children: One son graduated from LMU (Math major), one daughter attends CSULB (plays soccer and is majoring in education), and a daughter currently a sophomore at P.V.P.H.S. • Completing my MA in Administrative Education this May • Teaching experience in elementary school for 24 years • English tutor for the past eight years
Elisa Morreale Room 222 310.377.6972 x222 buda@pvpusd.net
8:30 – 8:45 Opening 8:45-10:20 Math Rotation 1/Lang. Arts 10:20 - 10:40 Recess 10:40 – 12:15 Math Rotation 2/Lang. Arts 12:15 - 1:00 Lunch 1:00 – 1:30 Reading 1:30-1:45 Homework/Finish work 1:45 – 2:45 Social Studies/Science 2:45 - 3:00 Finish work/Clean-up/Dismissal
Computer: Wed. 9:20-10:20 Thurs. 10:40 -11:40 Music: Tues. 2:00-3:00 PE: Tues. & Thurs. 9:30-10:20
DEPARTMENTALIZING 5th Grade will departmentalize! We are preparing your child for Middle School… Mrs. Weiss will be teaching Math and Science (including STEM). Ms. Morreale will be teaching Social Studies & Language Arts (including grammar, writing, core lit books). We will rotate in the morning (Math and Language Arts) and in the afternoon (Science and Social Studies).
Language Arts - Reading Reading Development: Differentiated instruction Core literature reading books Whole group reading Small group reading Children will: Focus on building comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, Develop expository reading Learn how to respond to expository text Read non-fiction and apply it to writing.
Writing Students will be exposed to Response to Literature through writing in their Interactive Writing Spirals In addition, 5th graders will focus on different writing genres: *Narrative *Persuasive *Journal Writing *Descriptive *Letter writing *Poetry *Expository Grammar and sentence mechanics will also be focused on in my class.
Topics Covered: U.S. Geography Exploration of the New World Colonization of America (First 13 Colonies) American Revolution Formation of the Constitution Slavery and the Civil War Immigrants States and Capitals
Classroom Rules Be considerate to others and treat everyone with respect Be polite…Say please and thank you Listen to your teachers Follow directions Raise your hand and wait to be called on Keep you hands and feet to yourself Clean up after yourself…keep our classroom clean and organized! Always do your BEST!
Classroom Management Verbal warning Name on board Check after name (-10 minutes of recess conference with teacher & reflection writing) 2 Checks (email home/phone call to parents) 3 checks (principal’s office) Immediately sent to the principal for disrespectful language or fighting
REWARDs Table Points Mystery Word: Prize word is written on the board in blanks.. The children fill earn letters. Once the letters have been filled in, the class earn the word prize. Individual rewards include classroom jobs, teacher praise, notes/emails home, spirit awards, class certificates
Homework reviews skills learned in class, prepares your child for tests, allows time to finish work not completed in class, and allows parents to see what students are learning in class. Homework is assigned in each class & will be posted in class for students to write down in their agenda books. Homework is collected in the class it was assigned. Students who consistently forget to do homework or don’t do the homework will lose part of their recess to complete the work. 3 missing homework assignments = grade lowered
Homework “Pink” Slip for consistently forgetting homework (teacher/parent communication and accountability Homework Passes Three homework pass will be passed out at the beginning of each trimester for students to use on one page of homework. Passes will not be replaced if lost and only are accepted the trimester they are handed out. One pass per page and per day may be used on assignments okayed by teacher. Unused homework passes can be turned in for prizes at the end of the year.
YES!! We will celebrate your child’s birthday in class! If your child would like to bring something to celebrate, please do not send treat bags or sweet treats. Due to allergies and ants, we would prefer non-food items. Great alternatives to sweet treats are: fun pencils, erasers, stickers, a book for the class, or a board game. Additionally, it is district policy to send birthday invitations through the mail. Addresses can be found in the PTA school directory that can be purchased through PTA. Please do not hand invitations out at school or through our classroom cubby system.
Parent Volunteers Parent Volunteers Please consider signing up to help our 5th grade classrooms. Please leave your name and email on the volunteer clipboard. We need parents to help with prepping projects, sharpening pencils, Xeroxing papers, and correcting papers. We will leave a box in the office labeled 5th grade for things that need to be prepped or corrected by parents. Thank you in advance for your help.
OSS Parent Meeting Tues., Oct. 4th OSS in Wrightwood Nov. 14th -17th Parent Conferences Nov. 28th – Nov. 30th