Introduction to Latin America Get Out Your Spirals
Which is larger – Latin America or the United States? How much larger? Latin America is approx. 2x larger than the United States
Which has a larger population? How much larger? Latin America’s population is approx. 2x larger than the United States
How might the overall population density of the two compare?
What is the name of the largest mountain range in Latin America? The Andes is the longest mountain range in the world.
What two oceans border Latin America? The Amazon River empties into what ocean? Latin America is part of what 2 continents?
Why are the Galapagos Islands famous?
The Galapagos Islands They are famous for their rare animal species. In 1835, Charles Darwin visited the islands and collected scientific data that supplied the foundation for his theory of evolution by means of natural selection. Tourism is now restricted to protect the rare species on the islands.
What differences do you notice comparing the map of 1800 and present day Latin America?
What 2 present day countries have territory that was part of the Viceroyalty of New Spain?
What former Portuguese colony is the largest country in South America today?
What do you think is the dominant language in Brazil today? Why?
What country held the most land in Latin America in 1800?
What is the capital of Peru? What countries border Chile? What country connects Central America to South America?
What is the major religion of Latin America? Why are most people of Latin America Catholic?
What is the main climate of the largest country in South America? What feature might you find in the red area (tropical wet)?