Vocabulary Chapter 23-44 Chapter 23 Chapter 31 Chapter 40 21. careen 27. pious 33. quizzical Chapter 25 Chapter 33 Chapter 41 22. optimistic 28. vaporize 34. dissuade 23. miscellaneous 24. chaotic Chapter 35 29. ogle Chapter 27 Chapter 36 25. besieging 30. roster 31. mill Chapter 30 Chapter 39 26. crucial 32. infinitely
21. careen ca·reen [kə reen] Verb To sway or swerve while moving
22. optimistic op·ti·mis·tic [optə mistik] Adjective Having a positive frame of mind Antonym: pessimistic
23. miscellaneous mis·cel·la·ne·ous [missə laynee səs] Adjective composed of varied things: made up of a variety of ingredients
24. chaotic cha·ot·ic [kay ottik] (Adjective) totally confused or disorderly Antonym: orderly
25. besiege be·siege [bi seej] Verb 1. to crowd around somebody 2. harass somebody or something
26. Crucial cru·cial [kroosh’l] Adjective decisive of great importance Antonym: trivial
27. pious pi·ous [pi əss] Adjective devoutly religious, sometimes in appearance only Antonym: disrespectful
28. vaporize va·por·ize [vaypə riz] Verb to change or be changed into vapor Vanish or make vanish
29. ogle o·gle [og’l] Verb to look at with desire
30. roster ros·ter [rostər] Noun list of names: the people listed on a roster
31. mill [mil] Verb To move around as a group without apparent purpose
32. infinitely In·fi·nite [infənit] Noun endlessly; not measurable Antonym: slightly
33. quizzical quiz·zi·cal[ kwizzik’l] Adjective questioning: expressing a question, puzzlement, or doubt in a mocking or amused way
34. dissuade dis·suade [di swayd] Verb to persuade someone not to perform an action Antonym: persuade