Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:17
Spiritual Warfare a life of conflict a battleground, not a playground security in the battle success in the battle we forget we’re in a war zone
Spiritual Warfare ‘helmet of salvation’ the ultimate in terms of protection cf. Isaiah 59:17 what he does … it is what he gives a confidence builder
Spiritual Warfare 3 tenses of salvation it infuses optimism – we do have a future don’t underestimate the enemy – wants us to run scared
Spiritual Warfare ‘sword of the Spirit’ two-edged & short need to go forward a pair of invisible hands over ours importance of the Word of God
Spiritual Warfare duel in the desert – Jesus versus Satan how do we do it? by reading it by meditating on it by memorising it by studying it
arise, and put your armour on!’ Spiritual Warfare ‘Soldiers of Christ, arise, and put your armour on!’