Bill Clinton.


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Presentation transcript:

Bill Clinton

I. 1992 Election A) The weak economy and the entrance of a third party candidate, Ross Perrot helped Clinton win the election

II. Early Accomplishments Family and Medical Leave Act made it illegal for employers to fire employees for taking time off work for medical or family reasons. “In the next eight years and even after I left office , more people would mention it to me than any Bill I signed.” -President Clinton

B) Gun Control 1) The Brady Bill required a five day waiting period after purchasing a handgun and the dealer had to run a background check. 2) Federal Assault Weapons Ban- Banned certain semi-automatic weapons. (Expired in 2004) 3) Further attempts to limit gun control were made After Columbine but the NRA had grown in power. Frontline NRA episode 7:00-28

C. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) An economic pact signed by President Clinton that eliminated tariffs between The US, Mexico and Canada Many working class people were upset because they believed it caused their jobs to be outsourced.

D. Healthcare First Lady Hilary Clinton led the task force to reform healthcare. The task forced failed and some blamed it on Hillary, believing she should not be involved in policy.

III. Contract w/ America Republicans took control of Congress in 1994 They ran on the Contract with America: Balanced Budget Requirement Tax cuts for small business, families and seniors Term limits Welfare reform Social security reform Tort Reform American Experience Episode 3: 9:00



IV. Working with Republicans Welfare Reform 1)Gave more power to the states. 2) Introduced Welfare-to -Work requirement

V. Economy under Clinton The growth of the internet led to many new business accompanied with it. (The dotcom boom) Under Clinton the nation had a surplus for the first time in 30 years.

VI. The Kosovo War Supported by NATO, Clinton launched a war to reverse Serbian dictator Slobodan Milosevic's "ethnic cleansing" of Albanians from the province of Kosovo. This gave Clinton credibility of the world stage 1) Breakup of Yugoslavia 2) Slovenia and Croatia declare independence 3) Ethnic Albanians declare independence in Kosovo but it receives little international recognition. 4) US recognozed independence of Bosnia but not Kosovo

VII. Clinton is Impeached The republican controlled House voted to impeach Clinton on charges that he lied to a Grand Jury. The Senate found Clinton not guilty Throughout the impeachment hearings Clinton maintained high approval ratings, most of the country felt it was an unnecessary attack from republicans.