We will cover important aspects of Europe Brief History Ethnic Groups Religious Groups Economics Resources and their importance
Europe is separated into 4 regions Mediterranean Western Europe Northern Europe Eastern Europe
Mediterranean Mediterranean Europe - Made up of Iberian, Italian, Balkan Peninsula - Why do people live here: - Climate is suitable for survival -Mediterranean Sea allowed for trade and spread of Culture
History: Mediterranean Brief History: - Mediterranean is the birthplace of democracy: 2 forms of democracy Athenian Democracy- government ruled by the people Republic Democracy- elected representatives rule for the people.
History: continued Greek History- (Balkan Peninsula) -where the Athenian Democracy came from, this area will see the spread of Christianity: Eastern Orthodox Roman History- (Italian Peninsula) - Where Republic Democracy came from; this area will see the spread of Christianity: Roman Catholic
Religion: Mediterranean - This region will see Christianity as the official religion in 400ad - Christianity will spread with the Crusades: Crusades: 1096 Christian warriors try to take back the city of Palestine from the Muslims. - Today it is mainly Catholic
Economics: Med. Economics and Resources - Most Mediterranean nations are less industrialized than other nations in Europe - today the economy is based on manufacturing and service industry due to the access of the Mediterranean Sea
Western Europe Western Europe - made up of France, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Hungary - France and Germany are region’s largest, most productive countries - Benelux countries Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg
History: W. Europe Brief history - Roman Empire conquered Celtic tribes (France today), so French is a Romance language - Roman empire didn’t conquer Germanic tribes, so Germanic languages still exist - In 1517, Martin Luther’s critical 95 statements launch their nation
Hist. Cont. In 1517, Martin Luther’s critical 95 statements launch Reformation-many Christians break from church, formed Protestant churches - Rise in nationalism: creates hostilities between countries Nationalism: develops—belief people should be loyal to their nation
Religion of W. Europe Religions - 2 major religions 1) Catholic in the southern parts of Western Europe 2) Protestant in the northern part of Western Europe
Economics: W. Europe Economics - Agriculture important to Belgium, France, Netherlands, Switzerland - Coal, iron made France, Germany, Netherlands industrial leaders - Today they have high-tech industries - Switzerland’s neutrality makes it a banking center - Tourism is major part of French, Swiss, Austrian economies - German cars; Swiss watches; French clothes, food; Dutch flowers