Exercise effect on stress By Alicia Noll Executive summary
Purpose The purpose of my assessment is to see how exercise effects stress on an individual. My assessment was based upon the Bruce stress test protocol Image source: bestforthehome.com
Literature review The test goes for 3-minute periods for each stage, to allow achievement of a steady state before workload is increased (Akinpelu, 2015) The Bruce protocol can have up to seven stages, so they could go up to twenty-one minutes (Hill, 2002) In my assessment, I had the max be about 12 minutes
Method Heart rate and the time an individual could run was emphasized. Before this test participants, ask to not eat or drink right before it, this reduces nausea. Right before they start on the treadmill their resting heart rate is taken by the radial artery and recorded. Right after they are done with the test the heart rate is taken again by the radial artery to see what the heart rate is right after exercise.
Description of study There where thirty participants in all, fifteen females, and fifteen males Their height, weight, and BMI were recorded. Before running their test the resting heart rate was taken and after the test the recovery Heart rate was recorded. In the post test, resting and recovery heart rate would be recorded, then the two could be compared
Assessment plan/instrumentation Participants would be given a form to fill out their name, height, gender, weight, and BMI A form for their pre-data information (resting heart rate, treadmill time, and recovery heart rate) A form for their post-data information(resting, time and recovery)
Results The mean scores for post and pre recovery Heart rate. Overall pre=127.63 Post=125.93 Female pre= 125.40 post=124 Male pre= 129.87 post=127.87
results Mean pre and post resting heart rate for males, females and overall
results Pre and post time means for men and females.
Results Pre-test information Going from Height, weight, BMI, Treadmill time, RHR, and recovery heart rate
results Post test information Going from Height, weight, BMI, Treadmill time, RHR, and recovery heart rate
Discussion- overall time The overall treadmill times p-value was .01, which is below .05 indicating that the post scores are significantly different from the pre- scores. This shows there that their cardiac performance went up and that their heart could perform better.
Discussion overall RHR p-value was .0003 showing a significant difference Heart rate decreased, which means that the heart is working more efficiently. This is improved through exercise
Discussion- recovery heart rate p-value was less than .05. Comparing the means shows that the post recovery Heart rate was lower showing that on average the participants are improving their heart rates, which in turn can lower stress levels.
Discussion-female and male time P-value for female= less than .05 P-value for males=.08 Females may have had more room to improve
Discussion resting heart rate, females and males Females p-value=greater than .05 it was .6 Male p-value=.002 Female resting heart rate may take time for it to go to a lower state. Males improved their resting heart rate
Discussion female and male recovery heart rates The female recovery heart rate p-value was less than .05 it was .0013 Females did improve their recovery heart rate Male p-value=.000024 Male recovery heart rate also improved.
Evaluation & reflection/ next steps This data tells me that exercise did help cardiac health and since cardiac health improved their stress levels will go down, simply because their heart is not working as hard. The participants should continue exercising and keeping a physical lifestyle. Exercise will improve the stress on their hearts. With less stress on their hearts, health will improve and everyday stress will be more manageable.
References Akinpelu, D. (2015, November 22). Treadmill Stress Testing Technique. Retrieved December 10, 2016, from http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1827089-technique Hill, J. (2002, May 4). Exercise tolerance testing. Retrieved December 11, 2016. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1123032/ Quinn, E. (2016, May 9). The Bruce Protocol Treadmill Test A Fitness Evaluation Used to Measure VO2 Max. Retrieved December 11, 2016, from https://www.verywell.com/the-bruce-treadmill-test-protocol-3120269 http://bestforthehome.com/best-treadmill-for-home-use/ http://www.shapesense.com/fitness-exercise/calculators/heart-rate-based-calorie-burn-calculator.shtml