Information Literacy and employability What does it look like?
Session Overview Introduction DMU View Influencing factors Practice What will it look like at your institution? How can you embed employability into your practice
DMU View: Research project Explored prospect of graduate skills licence Confirmed place of information literacy in employability based on CBI, Arcadia, Llida, SCONUL 7 pillars and own practice Developed framework to evaluate graduate level information literacy based on above Made new connections: external and internal
Hurdles to implementation Top down influence Major promotion and buy-in required HEAR
Back door? New connections and developments: Commercial awareness workshops Digital branding Careers and employability Employability weeks Frontrunners Employability, careers and placements libguide In curriculum: real contexts, new language
Your institutional view? How can you embed employability into your everyday practice? What could you do to strengthen the role of employability in your service? Work in groups to produce an image enriched mind map to explore what this would look like or mean in everyday practice
Let’s share…….
Objective handprints Take a piece of paper and draw round each of your hands On each hand write down an area of work that will impact upon your students’ employability You can use fingers for action strands to help achieve the objective Be as creative as you like, doodle or decorate your hand
Bibliography Beetham, H., McGill, L. And Littlejohn, A. (2009) Thriving in the 21st century: learning literacies for the digital age (LliDA project) [WWW], Glasgow: Glasgow Caledonian University. Available from: [Accessed 27/6/11]. Browne, J. (2010). Securing a sustainable future for higher education [WWW] Available from [Accessed 12/10/11] CBI/UUK (2009) Future Fit: preparing graduates for the world of work [WWW] Available from: [Accessed 12/10/11]. SCONUL (2011) The SCONUL Seven Pillars of Information Literacy Core Model For Higher Education [WWW] Available at: [Accessed 09/08/12] Secker, J. and Coonan, E. (2011) A new curriculum for information literacy, executive summary [WWW] Available from: [Accessed 12/10/11]