EPA’S New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) Subpart OOOO
Background On April 17, 2012, the EPA issued regulations that impacted the oil and natural gas industry. Hydraulically fractured natural gas wells. Other production site sources. Storage tank emissions and green completions.
Tanks Subject to the Rule Tanks are considered “affected facilities” if they were constructed after August 23, 2011. Potential emissions of 6 or more tons per year. Tanks affected. Located anywhere along the oil and natural gas production and transmission process. Reduce emissions by 95%. Updated standards in August 2013.
Phased-In Control Deadlines April 15, 2014 is the compliance deadline for Group 2 tanks. April 15, 2015 is the compliance deadline for Group 1 tanks. Process equipment. Alternative emission limits.
Test Protocols for Control Equipment Manufacturer tested emission control device models (combustors). EPA continues to review field testing protocols.
Green Completions VOC reductions during natural gas well completions. August 23, 2011.
New Hydraulically Fractured Wells Phase 1: Before January 1, 2015. Phase 2 : Beginning January 1, 2015.
Green Completions Are Not Required For New exploratory (wildcat) wells or delineation wells. Hydraulically fractured low- pressure wells.
E-mail: mbailey@vaporpoint.net Contact Information Michael Bailey Office: 281-867-8186 Cell Phone: 281-450-8089 E-mail: mbailey@vaporpoint.net