Why do you think people make a pilgrimage Chapter 20 LENT Do now: What is a Pilgrimage? Why do you think people make a pilgrimage
Chapter 20 ~Lent Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday evening. Ashes remind us that we are sinners. Ashes can be both a sign of sorrow and hope. During Lent we focus on following Christ and thinking about the relationship that we began with him at Baptism. Lent is a journey during which we prepare to celebrate at Easter, Christ’s dying and rising to new life.
Chapter 20 ~Lent During this season, some Catholics prepare to receive the Sacraments of Initiation atone time. Lent is a time of absence and simplicity. During the Liturgy, bells are not rung and alleluia is not said or sung. Flowers and decorations may be removed. Statues and crucifixes may be covered. Dark purple is the color used in worship.
Chapter 20 ~Lent We are called to follow the Lenten practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Almsgiving can be the giving of time, money, or goods to those in need. We should do acts of kindness and works of compassion. In Greek alms means compassion. Lent is a good time to pray more. Speaking to God helps us to gain his strength. We pray for those preparing to receive the Sacraments of Initiation on the night of the Easter Vigil. During Lent we fast. Fasting is a way to cleanse our bodies and our minds of harmful things. Fasting is a form of penance.
Chapter 20 - Lent One way of fasting is by giving up something we really enjoy, live a favorite food or activity. During Lent we show special concern for those in need. We follow Jesus’ example of providing for the hungry and caring for the sick. Station of the Cross – One way to follow Jesus is to walk in the land where he once walked. Since we cannot travel to the Holy Land, parishes have placed the Stations of the Cross in all churches. The word station comes from the Latin and means “stopping point.”
Chapter 20 - Lent DO NOW – In small groups: Write out the prayer said at each station. Pick 3 stations of the cross, and be prepared to explain to the class exactly what was happening to Jesus at that station.