Jennifer Willcutt – READ, STSK, ELL Anoka-Ramsey Community College Session #70 Jennifer Willcutt – READ, STSK, ELL Scott Stankey – ENGL Anoka-Ramsey Community College
Focusing Our Topic Acceleration, Co-requisites, modularization, and other alternatives to traditional course delivery models Navigating Current Options in Developmental Education Navigating the Choice of an Acceleration Model
Non-Acceleration pilots at anoka-ramsey community college Summer 2012 research group – Faculty group created by Dean to do research Modularization (individualized learning) – ENGL 0950 Learning communities – ENGL 0890 & READ 0910 / ENGL 0950 & FYE / READ 0990 & SOC 1111 Supplemental instruction – with ameri-corps grant / with Local ABE “FAST FORWARD” – informally Combined ENGL / READ Course on our smaller, RURAL campus “early exit” – ENGL 0950 THEMed COURSE / Linked to Health career pathways Grant – ENGL 0950
Some Acceleration Models we’ve studied or heard about Accelerated learning program (ALP) at Baltimore County Community College The most popular “Co-requisite” model California acceleration project (CAP) An integrated reading and writing (IRW) model See Also: Colorado, Texas, KSU, . . . . The “Triad MODEL” at Atlantic cape community college Modularization and individualized learning Accelerated study in associate programs (asap)
Discussion #1 Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss (1) the various models and ways of adapting developmental curriculum designed to move students through their developmental coursework faster. What are you doing right now at your own colleges, if anything, about accelerating developmental courses? What have you considered? What have you adopted?
Audience Reponses
Discussion #2 Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss (2) their thoughts about the advantages and disadvantages to the various models. Why did you consider and adopt the models you did? What have you heard about these various models? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
What we are considering at anoka-ramsey community college Keeping the status quo – read and engl separate / 2 dev. ed. Levels Keep read separate but Combine into one read course / keep ENGL separate but combine into one engl course GO TO 1 LEVEL Two combined Read-engl courses – a modified “cap” model keep 2 dev. ed. levels A combined READ-ENGL course – based on the “cap” model go to 1 level
Option #1: The status quo (12-15 cr. / 2 levels) 0910 READ 0990 1106, 1108 0890 ENGL 0950 1121
option #2 (12-15 cr. 10 cr. / only 1 level) 0999 READ (4 cr.) 0910 (3 cr.) 0990 (5 cr.) 0999 ENGL (4 cr.) 0890 0950
option #3 (12-15 cr. 10 cr. / still 2 levels) READ/ENGL 0900 (5 cr.) (4 cr.) 0910 READ 0890 ENGL READ/ENGL (5 cr.) 0970 (3 cr.) 0990 READ (4 cr.) 0950 ENGL
option #4 (12-15 cr. 5 cr. / Only 1 level) READ/ENGL (5 cr.) 0999 (4 cr.) 0910 READ (3 cr.) 0990 0890 ENGL 0950
Why we are “Stuck” / What we are talking about Should we just keep the status quo and wait for a mandate from mnscu? What we are doing right now is working – data from ir last spring. Credentialling concerns for a combined course (e.g., can we cross-list?) We only have 4 uft faculty (2 in read, 2 in engl) to do all this work. We have 3 possible Upcoming sabbaticals for this group. We Lack “incentivization”: uncertain support from admin, including release time. We are “split” in our focus on 2 very different groups and how to best serve them: the students who probably could be in ENGL 1121, and those who can barely pass ENGL 0890 and read 0910.
Discussion #3 Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss (3) how to make decisions about which approach(es) to choose for their own colleges. How did your college come to the decision to accelerate developmental courses? What was your process? What do you see for the future – at your college? Statewide? Nationwide? Do you have any recommendations for us at arcc?
THANK YOU! / contact us Jennifer Willcutt, ph.d. – READ, STSK, ELL Scott Stankey, m.a. and post-grad Cert. in dev. ed. – ENGL