School uniform!
There are various points of view on, whether the standard form is necessary in general to schoolboys. The basic opinions and arguments supporting them are reduced to the following.
The school uniform, as well as any form, disciplines, rallies, promotes development in pupils of sensation of a generality, a collectivism, common cause and presence of overall aims. The form excludes (anyway, limits) competition possibility between pupils (and their parents) in clothes, eliminates a visual difference between pupils from families of a various material prosperity, interfering with stratification by a principle "rich/poor". The uniform standard on the form if it is accepted at the state level, allows to guarantee that the clothes of schoolboys will correspond to sanitary-and-hygienic requirements and won't be reflected negatively on their health. If the uniform form exists, it is possible to replace its manufacture in the target image, supporting the low prices and removing a part of burden of expenses on training of children from poor families
The form — an element of leveling education and training. The form deprives of pupils of possibility to express the individuality in clothes, The requirement of carrying of the form in itself is the form of violence over the person, the requirement of strict observance of the form can at desire any way be interpreted by school workers and be used for groundless prosecution of objectionable pupils. The form can be the expensive for poor families. In the convention on the rights of the child it is told that each child has the right to express the individuality as it is necessary for it. The School uniform limits a freedom of expression
The school uniform has captured not only limits of Russia, but also other countries.
Personally it seems to me that it would be possible to diversify a school uniform a little as the mood of the person depends on it.