Inclined Planes
Inclined Plane An inclined plane is a slanting surface connecting a lower level to a higher level.
Inclined Plane Pull the object straight up using the spring scale. How much force did it take? Starting force = 80 60 40 20
Inclined Plane Using the brown side of the board, drag up the object with the board at an angle of 80 degrees. How much force did it take at this angle? Repeat the pulling up of the object at 60, 40, and 20 degrees. Record the amount of force needed at each angle.
Inclined Plane 1. What happens to the force needed to pull up an object as the angle of the incline plane becomes smaller (less steep)? 2. What happens to the force needed to incline plane becomes greater (more steep)? 3. What is the advantage of using an incline plane to move things? 4. What would happen if I added sandpaper to my incline plane?
An inclined plane is a ramp. It allows you to use less effort to move an object, but you must move the object a greater distance.