Lithuanian Social Model The Role of social partners in the design and implementation of the labour legislation Eglė Radišauskienė, Vice minister of Ministry of Social Security and Labour 11 October 2017, Chisinau
The Reasons for the Creation of Lithuanian Social model Problem of the sustainability of the social insurance system (high level of emigration; aging society); Non-inclusive growth; Low labour activity level (poor job quality; low wages; undeclared work); Shortage of skilled workers and mismatch of skills demand and supply (high level of emigration; rapidly changing sectoral structure and lack of investment in skills); The need of more flexible labour relationship (strictly regulated working time; high administrative burden for employers; recruitment and dismissal from work were not in line with the labour market situation); Insufficient coverage, expediency and effectiveness of active labor market policy measures.
Participants in the Creation of the Lithuanian Social Model The best scientists in social policy and labour relations; Employees from the Ministry of Social Security and Labour; Foreigh experts; Social partners. The Project of the creation of the Lithuanian Social Model was funded by Structural Funds of European Union;
Lithuanian Social Model includes: Increase in employment; Improvement of regulation of labour relationship; Sustainability of social insurance system.
The Main Goals of Lithuanian Social Model: Analysis and comparison of the European countries practice in the area of employment, labour relationship and social insurance; analysis and evaluation of the situation in Lithuania in the relevant areas. The creation of legal administrative model; Preparation of draft legal acts improving labour relationship, employment and social insurance in order to attract more foreign investment and to create more new jobs together with the creation of sustainable, more transparent and adequate benefits guaranteeing state social insurance system.
The Main Tasks of creating new Labour Code: More flexible regulation of working time; Terms of dismissal from work in line with labour market conditions; Less administrative burden for employers; Variety of employment contracts; Better regulation of remuneration for work; Motivation to conclude collective agreements; Motivation to participate in trade unions.
Participation of social partners (1) 8 conferences; 13 meetings of the Commission on Labour Relations under the Tripartite Council; 14 meetings of the Tripartite Council. 81 percent of provisions were agreed; After adoption: 9 meetings of the Tripartite Council.
Participation of social partners (2) The main provisions that were agreed among social partners: The roles of trade unions and work councils; Regulation of working and rest time; Formation of the Tripartite Council; Severance pay and notice periods; Regulation of conclusion of collective agreements. Monitoring of Labour code implementation.
Monitoring The main role in monitoring is assigned for State Labour Inspectorate; First - 31st of December of 2019 and each subsequent year; the number and classification of infringements; the number of dismissals according to the grounds for dismissal; the number, subject and outcome of labour disputes on law heard by labour dispute commissions; the number of lawsuits filed in court regarding labour disputes on law; the number of fixed-term employment contracts; the number of companies using summary working time recording ; the number of employee representatives in companies).