Sunrise Mountain HIGH SCHOOL Welcome Class of 2020!
OBJECTIVES Update REVIEW Electives & West-MEC REGISTER Post-Secondary Planning Oct 19th Update Your ECAP & Check Your Graduation Progress Counselors Electives & West-MEC Lots of choices for Juniors REGISTER for classes for your Junior year! Nov. 1-3
Pre-Registration Process 1. Review the 2018-2019 Course Offering List to choose classes (make sure you have met prerequisites). For more information – see the detailed “Course Offering & Description Guide Book” on-line via your student portal 2. Discuss Course Selection With your parents 3. Meet with your Counselor to review your course registration. Changes will be allowed until March 1st! 4. Does your explicit plan match with your textual evidence ! ( Does your transcript and your ECAP match your plan?)
Folder Review: Transcript Blue ECAP Registration Form Proposed Courses Offered SMHS CTE & Electives (Be a PROGRAM Completer) What Every Sophomore @ SMHS Should Know West-MEC Courses West-MEC Open Houses West-MEC Parent Info Flyer CTE Total Program Model
Low Enrollment Elective Classes Spring 2018: ACT Prep/Creative Writing Design & Merchandising I Orchestra/Stings Piano Adv. Weight Training (Girls Only) Computer Programming Advances Sports Medicine Engineering II, III, or IV Complete an ECAP Change form and meet with your counselor to switch into any of the above classes.
High School Graduation vs University Admission Subjects SMHS Graduation Requirements AZ University Admission Requirements English 4 credits □ □ □ □ 4 credits □ □ □ □ Mathematics Science 3 credits □ □ □ 3 credits □ □ □ Social Studies 2 credits □ □ PE * 1 credit □ -- Fine Art or CTE 1 credit □ World Language 2 credits (same language) □ □ Core Classes 16 credits 16 credits (all “C” or better) Elective Classes 12 credits Total 28 credits
The ECAP is your Education and Career Action Educational Career Action Plan your ECAP The ECAP is your Education and Career Action Plan. This is a tool to help you plan your classes and stay on track for your graduation and career goals. It is also textual evidence of your class grades, GPA, rank, and school involvement.
Complete the top section of your ECAP…
Account for required classes first! JUNIOR YEAR Pre-Registration for Junior Year English –(Circle One Each) Regular English III or English III H US History US History or AP US History Account for required classes first!
Account for required classes first! JUNIOR YEAR Pre-Registration for Junior Year Science (Choose One) Human Physiology Chemistry Physics Environmental Science Earth Science OR higher AP/Honors Option Math 4th Credit Financial Algebra College Math College Algebra (H) OR higher math Option Account for required classes first!
Select your CORE Classes for Junior Year:
Account for required classes first! Senior Year Pre-Registration -for Senior Year English Regular English IV or College Prep H AP Comp and Lit Economics and Government Economics /Government or Econ / Gov H AP Gov. (full semester) AP Micro/AP Macro Economics (Full Semester) Science/Math Make sure you have completed: 3 science credits 4 math credits Account for required classes first!
Select Your CORE Classes for Senior Year:
Now for the FUN Stuff…….. Elective CLASSES
NEW CLASSES .... Business Foundations Future Teachers Academy (FTA) AP Computer Science A Earth/Space Science Unified Theater (New 2017-18) ACT Prep/Creative Writing (New Spring 2018) Tutoring (Math at Elementary Schools)
Elective Choices Electives After you have accounted for all the Graduation and University requirements, review the Course Offering Guide and choose your electives. You must choose 8 classes and 3 alternates.
Course Offering CODES DE = Dual Enrollment – College credit is possible IF teacher is dual certified. AP = Advanced Placement Honors Ә = eCampus – This course is offered online.
Application Based Programs Student must sign up for the course on their ECAP as an ALTERNATE ELECTIVE. Students should complete and submit the required application by December 17th. Students are accepted on a limited basis – not all students will be accepted.
MET Professional Academy Manufacturing ROCKS! Experience it in action at the Medical, Engineering and Technology (MET) Professional Academy at Challenger Learning Center An entrepreneurial business approach to education. Project-based; Real-world environment; Business professionals Earn College Credits Application Based Programs 623.773.6701 For more info :
Example of MET Schedule:
West-MEC All are application Based Programs Must apply and be accepted!! Aesthetician Air Conditioning Automotive Technology Program Automotive Collision Avionics Electronics Aviation Maintenance Coding Construction Cosmetology Dental Assisting Electrical Trades Energy & Industrial Technology
West-MEC Continued…….. EMT Fire Science IT Security Law, Public Safety and Security Massage Therapy Medical Assisting Medium Heavy Diesel Technology Pharmacy Technician Physical Therapy Technician Plumbing Trades Precision Machining Welding Veterinary Science
Example of West-MEC Schedule:
GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY STEM Scholars program Qualified students earn up to 32 college credits tuition free Courses offered at the high school and then on GCU’s campus in the summer Available to students who complete their sophomore year with a 3.25 GPA and who take the required advanced courses
GCU Summer course - Sample General Psychology Class dates June 6 - July 24, 7 weeks Class times 9-12 T/W/TH Cost All tuition and fees waived for STEM Scholars Application process For registration information contact GCU at: or 602-639-8416 Students complete an online application, submit official transcripts and a parent permission form. Deadline April 15th
eCampus: What is it? Instruction 100% online A PUSD virtual school that offers high school courses Instruction 100% online Three mandatory in-person meetings Parent-Student Orientation and Final Registration Midterm Exam Final Exam There is no tuition charge for a student if they take the online course as part of their regular school schedule. Tuition of $300 is charged to a student that takes an online course on top of a full load at school.
Peer Counseling Work in guidance office and receive 1 full credit Receive training in mediation Mediate conflicts between students Help new students Present/teach freshman/8th grade classes If interested list as an alternate on your ECAP
Miscellaneous Community Service Volunteer Program (Outside school time; off campus; Volunteer for a NON-Profit Organization; 60 hours = ½ credit) Do not sign up for Student Assistants!! Try to be a program completer!
Ways to Get More Information: Talk to Teachers Schedule time in the Career Center November 7th – College & Career Fair: Meet with College Reps, West-MEC Reps, MET Reps, Trade & Tech School Reps... Attend a West-MEC Open House (Info in folder) November 14th @ 6:00PM – West-MEC Parent Info Night @SMHS AzCIS Website Meet with your Counselor
PUSD Course Offering Guide Log on and read about all of the courses!! Via Student Portal SEARCH: “ High School Courses”
Don’t Forget SIGNATURE…..
Pre-registration Form All Juniors must have at least 8 classes PLUS 3 Alternates!!!! All Seniors must have at least 6 classes List elective classes in priority order! Pre-registration forms must completed by Nov. 1st! Go over courses that you need for the 2018-2019 school year with your parents.
DUE DATES All students will need to bring back their ECAP & FOLDER, with parent signature on the following date. You will be entering your requests in the computer and meeting with your counselor: Nov. 1st: Quackenbush, V-Davis, Faust, Brittain, Electives Nov. 2nd: Robertson, Joyce, Hoffman, Electives Nov. 3rd: Selbach, Electives