Theme 6: Key Terms
LEARNING GOALS Provide an overview of the key terms in theme 6 Religion Religious Symbols Religious Rituals Liturgy Transcendence
Theme 6: Key Terms Religion: A system of symbols and rituals. We form powerful beliefs, values, meanings and practices around these symbols and ritual, about who we are in relationship to God What is religion? Here is a short clip to explain it
Theme 6: Key Terms Religious Rituals: Symbols reveal the bond between us and the sacred. Sacred rituals enact this bond. Religious rituals have the power to open up new ways of living and communicating with a power and energy that is higher or deeper than our own. This is a great website that outlines the various rituals we, as Christians, participate in!
Theme 6: Key Terms Religion and Life: Religion is rooted in the life of the people. Religion does not escape culture even though it seeks to go beyond culture. To pray, we use language. In religious ceremonies, we use symbols and rituals that are derived from culture. For that reason, religion is always rooted in history and traditions of a people.
Theme 6: Key Terms Liturgy: The Church’s official act of worship. In liturgy, God interacts with us in the various situations of our lives. All liturgical rites use Christian symbols and rites to “retell” Jesus.
Theme 6: Key Terms Transcendence: God is beyond, or transcends, our usual physical experience