EURAMET TC-M Meeting, Espoo, 27. 4. 2017 EMPIR 14RPT02 AWICal Traceable calibration of automatic weighing instruments operating in the dynamic mode Matej Grum, MIRS EURAMET TC-M Meeting, Espoo, 27. 4. 2017
AWIs taken into account Automatic Catchweighers (ACI) Automatic Gravimetric Filling Instruments (AGFI) Automatic Instruments for Weighing Road Vehicles in Motion (WIM)
Key targets Traceable dynamic measurements of three groups AWIs A knowledge and expertise resource in the field of AWIs and dynamic weighing of mass Increased metrology research capabilities of emerging EURAMET members
Achievements - Calibration Guides Drafts of calibration guides developed for Automatic Catchweighers Automatic Gravimetric Filling Instruments Automatic Instruments for Weighing Road Vehicles in Motion They include calibration methods and measurement uncertainty evaluation models Ready for validation of calibration methods and uncertainty budget Draft calibration guides available at
Achievements – Research Potential Training for partners from emerging members Automatic Catchweighers Automatic Gravimetric Filling Instruments Automatic Instruments for Weighing Road Vehicles in Motion Technical meetings
Validation and intercomparison Validation protocols agreed On-site validation measurements in progress Measurements carried out locally on different instruments Intercomparison: measurements will be done on one location.
Crating Impact Publications and papers (IMEKO TC3, CIM2017) National forums, workshops Workshop 2018 at TC-M meeting
Partners Timeline Coordinator MIRS (SI), CMI (CZ), GUM (PL), PTB (DE), BEV (AT), METROSERT (EE), UME (TR), IMBIH (BA), DMDM (RS), MT Garvens (producer) Timeline Project started: June 2015 Project ends: May 2018 Duration: 3 Years Coordinator Matej Grum, MIRS