What is Biodiversity? Biodiversity is the variety or richness of life at all structural levels (molecular/genetic, species, ecosystem). It is an essential renewable resource. It is exploited and depleted as a result of the “Tragedy of the Commons” phenomenon. The current rate of biodiversity loss is comparable to previous extinction events.
Why is biodiversity important? Biodiversity provides us with: Natural Resources (food, water, wood, energy, and medicines) Natural (Ecosystem) Services including: air and water purification, soil fertility, waste disposal, pest control) Aesthetic pleasure
“The decline of Earth’s biodiversity is an unintended consequence of multiple factors that have been enhanced by human activity. They can be summarized by the acronym HIPPO, with the order of the letters corresponding to their rank in destructiveness.” E.O. Wilson “The Creation”
H Habitat loss, including that caused by human-induced climate change. “ H Habitat loss, including that caused by human-induced climate change. I Invasive species (harmful aliens, including predators, diseases, and competitors that displace native species P Pollution P Population, Human overpopulation to be exact, a root cause of the other four factors O Overharvesting, Overuse (hunting, fishing, gathering) E. O. Wilson “The Creation”
Habitat loss/destruction Habitat loss is the greatest reason for biodiversity loss. Habitat loss is due to: Conversion of natural areas to farms, houses, etc Fragmentation of ecosystems by human activities, housing, transportation, agriculture etc. Simplification of genetic diversity and complex ecosystems by planting/selecting monocultures. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lacanja_burn.JPG
Invasive / Exotic Species Invasive, exotic species introduced from elsewhere outcompete native species because they: Have no natural predators Colonize disturbed habitats quickly Have a high biotic potential (r-species) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kudzu_on_trees_in_Atlanta,_Georgia.jpg
Cane Toads – The Conquest movie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bufo_marinus_from_Australia.JPG Cane Toads – The Conquest movie
Pollution Pollution (Oil spills, human agricultural waste, fertilization, pesticides, acid deposition, greenhouse gases etc) caused by human activities has a negative effect on biodiversity http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:AlfedPalmersmokestacks.jpg
Population, Human overpopulation that is. 6.8 Billion and counting. The expansion of human population and affluence, especially in the developing world harms natural ecosystems. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:World_population.svg
Overharvesting, Overuse, Overexploitation Overhunting, overfishing, destructive harvesting practices (cyanide, dynamite), illegal trade, exotic pet industry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Fishing_down_the_food_web.jpg
Your examples… Make a quick list of factors that have impacted your specific species… Which of these are easiest to change/influence?
Raven, Berg, and Hassenzahl put it this way Human Population Increase Land use change (Habitat loss) Increasing Economic Activity Increasing Economic Activity Declining Biological Diversity Increased use of technology Increased use of technology Social, political and cultural factors Social, political and cultural factors Indirect (Underlying causes) Direct causes
Characteristics shared by many endangered species include: Low reproductive rate (biotic potential) Feed at high trophic levels (apex predator) Large body size Specialist Specialized feeding habits Specialized nesting and/or breeding areas Fixed migratory patterns Found in one place or region Rare Commercially valuable Negative human interactions including attacks on people or livestock