Research Steps “Never Forget” – The Faces, Places, and events That changed the world forever – The legacy of the holocaust and world war II
Step 1 – Research Cards (index cards) – one card per topic I. introductory information (topic sentence of person, place, or event; action; legacy) II. Background Iii. Accomplishments of person / purpose or significance of the place / summary of event Iv. Lasting effects of person’s actions / results of what happened at the place / results of what happened in this event V. Reflection (Why did you choose this person, place, or event? What was the Impact on the world? What have you learned from your selection?)
Step 2 - Five (5) part outline Convert your index cards notes to complete sentences on the research template Choose the appropriate template for your topic (person, place, event)
Step 3 - Rough or first draft of research report Using your completed outline, write a five (5) paragraph report on your selected topic in your writer’s Notebook. Pay special attention to your introductory paragraph (see “do’s and don’t’s” examples). Be sure that your sentences are clear, detailed, and comprehensive.
Step 4 – Final draft See rules and requirements Typed, size 12, double – spaced, normal font Bibliography – at least two sources (one print and one electronic) Cover page with centered topic and your name, date, and period in lower right corner