Today in OOAD Today in Lab Review EU-Lease Assignment (Vision) The Rational Unified Process (RUP) The Domain Model Artifact Today in Lab Eclipse Intro (Meet Ben, Lars, Lee) Work on OOP Assignments
EU-Lease Vision Statement
The Rational Unified Process (Fowler Ch. 2 & handout) Disciplines & Phases (h.o. p. 37) RUP Disciplines (h.o. p. 42) Inception Phase (h.o. p. 47) Roadmap Activities & Artifacts (h.o. p. 57)
Develop the Domain Model Overview of the Domain Model The Domain Model Artifact
Overview of the Domain Model ‘the Class Model’ Describes the kinds of objects in the system: structure ~ things an object can be expected to "know" attributes relationships behavior ~ dynamics things an object can be expected to do – operations rules – constraints an object is expected to follow From it, we implement (Java) classes…, But, how do we get there?
Class Diagrams in Context "We are here!" ~ static structure diagrams Class Diagrams in Context functionality structure interaction configuration behavior
Class model This is the central model in an "object oriented" approach. Class Model concepts come in two flavors: basic concepts: broad usage general consensus advanced concepts: usage-dependent style-dependent Our emphasis will be on the "basic concepts." (refer to Fowler Chapter 6 for the “advanced concepts.”)
The Domain Model The Class Model defines the static structure for the application. conceptual or ‘domain’ model – how users think and talk about the world class model– software component interface ~ the interface class – software component implementation ~ the realization
Identify the “Key Abstractions” To find aspects of the domain of interest to the application, take a coherent, concise, agreed upon, written statement of system requirements…. a glossary you have written as you talk with users…. Other documents… vision statement … Identify the Nouns and Noun Phrases….
Class model A Class Model describes: the kinds of objects in the system, in terms of: structure ~ the various kinds of static relationships things an object can be expected to "know" its attributes its relationships behavior ~ the dynamics things an object can be expected to "do" its operations rules constraints and guidance an object is expected to follow
A Glossary…. documents the domain vocabulary A Glossary…. documents the domain vocabulary ... the set of terms, representing shared concepts, used and understood by community members The title area A term one or more definitions (narrative text) per concept one term may label more than one concept Multiple terms per single concept -- synonyms Synonyms might have no definition text and a reference back to the 'primary' term A term may have a qualifier word or phrase.
The Domain Model ~ Entity Classes All behavior required by the system must be provided by the classes (we’ll see how to assure this later). The Classes should represent enduring classes of domain objects The domain classes belong to the problem, and should not represent abstractions you’ve introduced to solve it. What kinds of things are entities? Tangible, real-world things Roles Events Interactions Consider EU-Rent and EU-Bid…. What are some candidate entities?
The Domain Model ~ Entity Classes The basic Domain Model are some labeled boxes. What is a bad entity? Redundant with another Vague Really an event or operation Meta-language (such as ‘requirements’ or ‘system’) Outside system scope An attribute Remember: the Objects are the system…