Wed/Thur, April 27/28, 2016 Objective: Students will prep for the IB paper 1 & Paper 2 Tips for your essays
Wed/Thur, April 27/28, 2016 Objective: Students will prep for the IB paper 1 & Paper 2 Return any and all graded work: Please read my comments on your timed writings. I read your essays and give individual feedback. Tips for your Paper 2: Know your candidate number Comparative language and transitions (Check your essay—add it!) The Things They Carried, The Handmaid’s Tale, Beloved, God of Small Things ABABAB Use this pattern throughout, A always comes first, B follows Be specific—title, author, names of characters, short quotations, details Use examples that range from beginning to end of novel—prove you read it. Spend 15 min planning and then write 5-8 pages (Or MORE) Write thesis at the end, after you have written your essay—leave blanks in intro To create commentary answer the following questions: To what effect? What is the purpose? So What? How? Why?
Wed/Thur, April 27/28, 2016 Objective: Students will prep for the IB paper 1 & Paper 2 While Morrison develops sympathy through the devastating portrayal of a mother’s actions, O’Brien creates sympathy through a son who is unable to share his pain with his father. Norman Bowker’s inability to speak to anyone about the trauma caused to him in Vietnam creates confusion at first, but ultimately builds sympathy from the reader. Bowker’s eventual suicide reminds the reader of the frail nature of the human psyche. Even though one is taught to be strong, war reduces that strength to basic survival needs. For example, Bowker feels degraded by the medals awarded to him on the night of Kiowa’s death. He feels that they mock him since he was unable to save his friend in the field. Therefore the medals serve strictly as a reminder of his failure. The reader understands his frustration and thus feels sympathetic to his internal struggle. O’Brien effectively controls the reader’s sympathy because we do not for sorry for the loss of Kiowa, instead we feel sorry for the impact his loss had on Bowker. Morrison and O’Brien effectively create sympathy in the readers through characterization. The mental destruction of Sethe from slavery reveals how deep
Wed/Thur, April 27/28, 2016 Objective: Students will prep for the IB paper 1 & Paper 2 Tips for your Paper 1: Know your candidate number Spend 15-30 prepping: read, analyze, read, thesis, outline, write Be clear and specific. Have a focus and follow it through. Write thesis after essay on to your paper. Prose excerpt: SCASI Setting, Character, Action, Style, Ideas (Themes). use the language of prose: Narrator, POV, Author, Paragraph, etc. Poetry: TP-CASTT Title, Paraphrase, Connotations, Attitude, Shift, Theme, Title Use the language of poetry: Speaker, Occasion, Poet, Shift, Stanza, Line, etc. Shift is imperative! Last stanza or last few lines are very important!! TITLE!!! Patterns: Figure out the effect of the patterns, they will lead to theme. Write 4-6 pages at least. Be specific and discuss the stylistic choices—effects and purpose and how they lead to theme.
Wed/Thur, April 27/28, 2016 Objective: Students will prep for the IB paper 1 & Paper 2 Grader notes over Prose and Poetry for Mock Paper 1: 2014 Peer Grading Directions: Grader 1: Write your name on the rubric and the #1: on your peer’s paper underline the thesis statement, topic sentences, and transition into conclusion. Evaluate their effectiveness—write comments on the rubric. Assign a grade for Criterion C: Organization Grader 2: Write your name on the rubric and the #2: Read the paper and put check marks over literary terms and the effects of the terms. Evaluate their effectiveness— write comments on the rubric. Assign a grade for Criterion B: Appreciation of Writer’s Choice Grader 3: Write your name on the rubric and the #3: Read the entire essay for interpretation and language. Is the essay logical and are the ideas well supported? Editing marks: Language, usage, vocabulary, etc. Evaluate the effectiveness—write comments. Assign a grade for Criteria A & D. Author reread your paper and the comments. Add up the points. Write a self evaluation. Turn in the rubric for a grade.
Wed/Thur, April 27/28, 2016 Objective: Students will prep for the IB paper 1 & Paper 2 Study Guide Wednesday