A Hanging - Questions
EASY STARTERS In which genre of writing is ‘A Hanging’? (1) In which country is ‘A Hanging’ set? (1) When is ‘A Hanging’ set? (nearest decade) (1) Who wrote ‘A Hanging’ (1) What is the writer’s central message throughout ‘A Hanging’? (1)
6. Comment on the imagery used in the first paragraph 6. Comment on the imagery used in the first paragraph. How does this help to evoke sympathy for the prisoner? (2) 7. Explain the contrast present throughout paragraphs 2 and 3. How does this allow the reader to feel sympathy towards the prisoner?
8. What connotations does the word ‘fish’ contain when used to describe the prisoner in paragraph 2? (2) 9. “suddenly…a dreadful thing had happened” (paragraph 6) Explain, in detail, the writer’s use of ‘dreadful’ to describe the unexpected appearance of the dog in the prison yard. (3)
10. “…he stepped slightly aside to avoid a puddle on the path 10. “…he stepped slightly aside to avoid a puddle on the path.” (paragraph 9) Explain how this example of symbolism supports Orwell’s views about capital punishment. (3) 11. Comment on how any aspect of sentence structure in paragraph 10 supports Orwell’s views about capital punishment (3)
12. “…the hangman, a grey-haired convict in the white uniform of the prison…” (Paragraph 11) Explain, in detail, the irony of this statement. How does this help to support Orwell’s views about capital punishment? (4) 13. Identify and explain the change in mood in paragraph 16. (2)
14. “I found that I was laughing quite loudly” (paragraph23) Bearing in mind the situation, why do you think Orwell reacted in this manner after the execution? (2) With reference to sentence structure in the final paragraph, explain how Orwell provides the essay with an effective ending. (2)