Inquest Layout – Daw Room Chair * Table Microphone Inquest Layout – Daw Room Doors Press * Jury P U B L I c * * Jury Solicitors * * Witness * Tape Machine * Coroner Coroners Officer Coroners Officer
Development Control Committee - Daw or Fortescue/Clinton rooms (open) Chair * Table Microphone Development Control Committee - Daw or Fortescue/Clinton rooms (open) * P U B L I c * * * * * * * Presentation Screen * * * * * Microphones & speakers required. Multi media required.
Cabinet Meeting – Daw Room Chair * Table Microphone Cabinet Meeting – Daw Room * * * * * * * Doors
Boardroom style - Daw or Fortescue/Clinton Rooms (open) Chair * Table Microphone Boardroom style - Daw or Fortescue/Clinton Rooms (open) 1 seat 1 seat 20 seats available Curtains / Partition 7 seats available 8 seats available 20 seats available 1 seat 1 seat Microphones on tables throughout Room capacity: 55 persons, 59 if ends of tables used, as indicated
Boardroom - Fortescue or Clinton Rooms Chair * Table Microphone Boardroom - Fortescue or Clinton Rooms 10 seats Curtains / Partition To seat 35 persons with microphones 7 seats 8 seats 10 seats
Boardroom - Fortescue or Clinton Rooms Chair * Table Microphone Boardroom - Fortescue or Clinton Rooms 6 seats To seat 27 with microphones Curtains / Partition 7 seats 8 seats 8 seats 6 seats
Coroner/Inquest layout – Fortescue or Clinton Room Chair * Table Microphone Coroner/Inquest layout – Fortescue or Clinton Room * * * Curtains / Partition *
Chair * Table Microphone Citizenship & other Presentations (Theatre style) – Fortescue or Clinton Room or both rooms open C H A I R S C H A I R S C H A I R S * Curtains / Partition * Gap down middle for H&S C H A I R S C H A I R S C H A I R S Central Lectern with radio microphone. A second radio mike for interactive Q&A Music required (CD player)
Retirement Seminar / Café Style -Fortescue or Clinton Rooms Chair * Table Microphone Retirement Seminar / Café Style -Fortescue or Clinton Rooms * * * * Curtains / Partition * * Projector on trolley * Presentation Screen
School Appeals – Roborough Room Chair * Table Microphone School Appeals – Roborough Room 8 seats Doors Note: Induction Loop with boundary microphones only, no microphones required