United Nations World Food Programme Humanitarian Air Service Presentation to Logistics Cluster Conference, Nairobi 08th -09 Nov 2010 Samson Mwangi
Activation. Types of Service/s. Performance in 2009 Challenges United Nation Humanitarian Air Service UNHAS Establishment & Objective Activation. Types of Service/s. Performance in 2009 Challenges
UNHAS Establishment & Objective Established in 2003 under UN High Level Committee of Management as a common service for humanitarian air transport. Provide a safe, reliable, efficient & cost-effective air transport in response to humanitarian activities where surface transport is not possible and NO safe/reliable Commercial Carrier exist. Timely response to medical & security evacuations for the humanitarian community.
UNHAS, A day in Tsunami
UNHAS Activation Emergency Response as part of Logistics Cluster. At the request by Humanitarian Coordinator and/or United Nations Country Team. A dedicated service to Humanitarian actor/s
UNHAS - A day in Sudan
Types of air Services In theatre air transport (Passengers and Cargo) Out of theatre (strategic) airlift. In theatre air transport (Passengers and Cargo) Depending on host country infrastructure and security, service might dictate a combination of fixed wing and helicopters. Airlift or even airdrop. Capacity building (Technical knowledge sharing & transfer).
UNHAS - A day in Tsunami
Civil / Military Coordination Establishment of Joint Coordination Cell/centre. Very important at the onset of an emergency Defining responsibilities & Coordination. Humanitarian Civil/Military protocol. Use of Military assets when responding to big emergencies not related to internal conflicts or when specialized aircraft type is not available in commercial market.
UNHAS, A Day in Moussambe, Haiti
UNHAS Performance - 2009 Transported 323,713 Passengers and 12,412MT of Cargo Performed 135 medical and 782 security Evacuations. Performed 38 strategic airlift worth US$7.5M UNHAS operational budget in 2009 was US$144M.
UNHAS, Part of our job
Humanitarian Response challenge/s Funding. UNHAS is a donor funded project hence relies on donor funding to respond to emergencies. Manpower (Timely availability of experienced staff). We working with standby partners to fill staffing gaps at the onset of Emergencies. Air Assets (timely availability). Always a challenge not to mention high cost of mobilization. Coordination. Always an challenge depending on size and available assets but also emergency preparedness.
UNHAS, Preparing a Medvac
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