Deloffre J., Druine F., Verney, R., Lemoine, J.P., Lafite, R. SPM Workshop, Brussels, Oct. 2016 Automated network in estuaries: Challenging issues associated with sensor and SPM variability Deloffre J., Druine F., Verney, R., Lemoine, J.P., Lafite, R.
Long term monitoring on the Seine estuary Plume (Balise A) ETM (Fatouville & Tancarville) Fluvial (Val des leux & Rouen) 5 Stations Along the Seine estuary:
Long term monitoring on the Seine estuary Instrument: YSI 6600V2 1 measurement every 5mns Sensors: 0-1000NTU (fluvial part) or 0-4000NTU (ETM & plume) Turbidity sensor: 0-1000NTU or 0-4000NTU Depth : 1m above the water surface using buoy (fluvial part) and 1m over the seabed (ETM and plume) Validated data : between 85 and 90%
Objective Objective: Measuring sediment fluxes using SYNAPSES data (and associated standard deviation). Topic: NTU vs SPM concentration Sampling strategy Measurements from piers (~ 50 days achieved): Mainly under Spring tides (between 6.35 et 7,05m) conditions. Vertical Profiles every 15’ › CTD Seabird 19plusV2 probe associated with an OBS3+ (2Hz) › YSI 6600V2 multi-parameter probe (1Hz) › LISST 100X-C (Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry) (1Hz) Coupled with water samples (every hour): 1 meter depth and 1m above the bed Assess current velocity from an ADCP (RDI Workhorse Sentinel 600kHz)
Pressure sensor (Niskin) SSC and Turbidity measurement Water Samples Pier profiles Pressure sensor (Niskin)
SSC and Turbidity measurement X2
Turbidity vs SSC: Instrument Probe: between 1.7 and 2.6
Turbidity vs SSC: Site
Turbidity vs SSC: Site Hach : 1.4 and 2.5 OBS3+ : 1.3 and 2.8 YSI: between 1.1 and 2.4
Hydrodynamics (temporal and spatial variability) Spring tide Neap tide SPM concentration (mg/l) Turbidity (NTU) 700m3/s (winter) 200m3/s (summer)
Turbidity vs SPM calibration coeff(mg/l) Hydrodynamics (temporal and spatial variability) Turbidity vs SPM calibration coeff(mg/l) Turbidity vs SPM coeff Turbidity vs SPM coeff Turbidity vs SPM calibration coeff(mg/l)
Synthesis Seasonnal (ETM) Seasonnal (fluvial)
Work in progress/next step Lessons learned Acceptability vs time? Each sensor need an accurate standardized calibration, Seine estuary: slope ranging between « 1 and 5 » => need to take into account this variability to estimate sedimentary fluxes. Turbidity vs SPM: Site specific and significant variations during the year (seasonal effect). Work in progress/next step Need to integrate SPM caracteristics: grain size (LISST) data and organic mater. Statistical analysis to deeply decipher the influence of each parameter Lab experiment (sensor response).
Thanks for your attention
Turbidity vs SSC: Site