From usua, penny and rachel Welcome to Year 3! From usua, penny and rachel
REMEMBER THE NEW NATIONAL CURRICULUM. Our current topic is Ancient Egypt Next topics: Fairtrade - Stone Age - Ancient Greece - Global Gardens This half term’s trip: Horniman Museum. Next half term’s trip: Chocolate Museum. Assessment system/Age Related Expectations (ARE)
Reading ‘Importance of quality time reading as a family’ Please keep reading with your child! We do ask the children in assembly who has read the night before and what they have read! New research from Booktrust:: ‘Importance of quality time reading as a family’ Join the library if you haven’t already, it’s a great resource and free!
Literacy Narrative – Adventure stories Poetry – Art project Instructions – How to make a shaduf. Handwriting, spelling, grammar are a major focus. These are transcriptional skills! Sentence structure, word choice, ideas for writing. These are compositional skills. Children need to continue to read every day. Children will change their books once a week in guided reading.
Maths THE NEW CURRICULUM HAS A STRONG FOCUS ON NUMBER AND CALCULATION. TIMES TABLES: Children need to know all their times tables (up to 12) by heart by the end of Year 4.
Timetable PPA – Wednesday afternoon PE – Tuesday mornings Sports Coach –Wednesday afternoons Recorder – Friday afternoon with Lucy Modern foreign language (Spanish) – Tuesday morning with Davinia
Home Learning The children should continue to use Bug Club on a weekly basis. New password: Usua! There are Grammar and Spelling games for the children to complete. My Maths – set every Friday, checked every Wednesday Half termly ‘topic’ projects – this will start from next half term.
Communication Before/after school or appointment Newsletters Parentmail / texting Blog Email address: Re the blog say that we are wanting to continue its use and to blog ‘everyday’ things, good to have feedback, parent comments etc so please keep checking the blog regularly.
SLT INFO Child Protection Trips/Volunteers/DBS Behaviour / time out system Reading focus OPAL Attendance