Copyright © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association From: An Auditory-Feedback-Based Neural Network Model of Speech Production That Is Robust to Developmental Changes in the Size and Shape of the Articulatory System J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2000;43(3):721-736. doi:10.1044/jslhr.4303.721 Legend: Articulator deviation patterns in standard deviation units (JH = Jaw Height; TBP = Tongue Body Position; TBS = Tongue Body Shape; TTP = Tongue Tip Position; LA = Lip Aperture; LP = Lip Protrusion; LH = Larynx Height) produced by the network for each of the 11 vowels from 3 to 60 months of age. Empty regions at the initial part of the plots indicate that the phoneme-to-auditory map for that vowel has not been acquired yet. A negative standard deviation (SD) value of jaw height (JH) corresponds to lowering of the jaw, a negative SD value of tongue body position (TBP) corresponds to an anterior position, a negative SD value of tongue body shape (TBS) corresponds to a flat tongue, a negative SD value of tongue tip position (TTP) corresponds to a posterior tongue tip position, a negative SD value of lip aperture (LA) corresponds to a closure of the lips, a negative SD value of lip protrusion (LP) corresponds to a retraction of the lips, and a negative SD value of larynx height (LH) corresponds to a lengthening of the larynx. Plot of vowels is made in F1 by F2 space. Date of download: 11/15/2017 Copyright © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association