Career Tree
Career Tree Outline
Values, Goals & Dreams What would you like to hear people say about you at your retirement party? If you could win an award, what would it be? Who are your heroes & why? If you could make one change in the world what would it be? what are your dreams and lifelong goals Are you an extravert or introvert?
Skills What skills are you best at? What skills do you enjoy using? What skills do you want to use in your career?
Interests Favourite Magazine Hobbies Favourite Conversations Internet , Newspaper Activities, How do you like to spend your free time What are you doing when you lose track of time
Geography Where in the world? Climate General area (eg beach, downtown, rural, resort ….) What is nearby?
Work Environment Fast-paced? Relaxed? Style? Business, Formal, Family, Resort, Conferences, Weddings, Fast-paced? Relaxed? lots of changes or clearly defined schedule? what hours? days? colours? plants, windows? office?
People Environment Favourite Kind of Coworkers? how big is your ‘team’? Favourite kind of clients? new people every day or regulars? What level of responsibility ? teamwork or independent work? work closely with supervisor or not? would you like a Supervisor role?
Rewards Pension Benefits Salary / Tips / Commission Challenge Travel Opportunities Work for a Good Cause Power or Influence Bonuses Discounts & Freebies Responsibility Awards/Recognition Opportunity to Advance Training / Learning Creativity Being in a Good Team Being productive Helping people Self-esteem Self-confidence Sense of pride Sense of accomplishment Vacation / medical leave Flexible hours Meeting new people Become famous or meet famous people Role-modeling for my children Security Independence