China’s Standardization System Daniel Jiang CHOFN
China’s Legal System of Standardization Standardization Law of the People's Republic of China(1988), promulgated by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Regulations for the Implementation of the Standardization Law (1990) , promulgated by the State Council Rules for Managing the National Standard(1990),Rules for Managing the Industrial Standard(1990), Rules for Managing the Local Standard(1990), Rules for Managing the Enterprise Standardization(1990), promulgated by the Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
China’s System of Standards National Standards: Mandatory National Standards and Recommendatory National Standards. Industrial Standards: Mandatory Industrial Standards and Recommendatory Industrial Standards. Local Standards : Mandatory Local Standards and Recommendatory Local Standards. Enterprise Standards. Group Standards.
The Standardization Institutes in China The Standardization Administration under the State Council: in charge of the unified administration of standardization throughout the country, i.e. formulating and managing the National Standards. Competent Administrative Authorities under the State Council : in charge of standardization in their respective departments and trades, i.e. formulating and managing Industrial Standards.
The Standardization Institutes in China The Departments of Standardization Administration of Provincial Governments: in charge of the unified administration of standardization within their respective administrative areas; Competent Administrative Authorities under the Provincial Governments: in line with their respective functions, in charge of standardization in their respective departments and trades within their respective administrative areas. Enterprises: formulating the standards for the enterprise to serve as the criteria for the organization of production. Social Organizations: formulating the group standards--- voluntary standards.
Formulation of Standards National Standards: the technical requirements that need to be unified nationwide, formulated by the Standardization Administration. Industrial Standards: In the absence of national standards, technical requirements for a certain industry need to be unified, formulated by competent authorities under the State Council and reported to the Standardization Administration for record, and be annulled on publication of the relevant national standards. Local Standards: In the absence of both national and industrial standards, safety and sanitary requirements for industrial products need to be unified within a provincial area, formulated by departments of standardization administration of provincial governments and reported to Standardization Administration for record, and annulled on publication of the relevant national or industrial standards.
Formulation of Standards Enterprise Standards: In the absence of both national and industrial standards for products manufactured by an enterprise, formulated to serve as the criteria for the organization of production. The State encourages enterprises to formulate their enterprise standards which are more stringent than the national or trade standards, to be used in these enterprises. Group Standards (Standards formulated by a consortium): not included in the State’s four- levels standard system and no clear legal status at present. However, Plan for Deepening Reform in Standardization Work by the State Council (2015) clearly points out that the Standardization Administration in conjunction with the competent departments under the State Council shall formulate guidelines for developing group standards. In terms of the standard-setting bodies and funding source, national standards, industrial standards and local standards are public standards, and the enterprise standards and group standards are private standards.
Comparison of Standard Systems between China and US National Standards Industrial Standards(Government Standards) Local Standards Group Standards Enterprises Standards CN Standardization Administration of P.R.China Competent Administrative Authorities under the State Council Standardization Administration of Provincial Government Social Organization Enterprises US Competent Federal, State Authorities or Professional Standards Group, accredited by ANSI Competent Federal, State Authorities Professional Standards Group
Difference between China’s and US’s National Standard Standard Management Bodies in China and US US:ANSI(NGO?) CN: Standardization Administration of the P.R.China(Government) Standard Operating Mechanism Formulation, Examination, Approval and Publication of the Standards US:ANSI or Competent Federal, State Authorities, or the Professional Standards Group? CN: Standardization Administration of the P.R.China Funding for the Standards US: the members of the Professional Standards Group? CN:financial budget
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