Warm Up How long is a Representative's term? What is one of the three qualifications to be a Representative? Opinion: Would you want to be a Representative in Senate? 1. 2 years 2. 25 yrs, 7 year citizen, live in your state
Membership in the Senate Civics Standard 12.4.1 Learning Goal: Students will learn how the Senate operates.
The earliest known photographic image of the U. S The earliest known photographic image of the U.S. Capitol, taken in 1846.
US Capital Building
I. Representation “shall be composed of TWO SENATORS from EACH STATE.” http://www.senate.gov/
Senate Chambers (100 members)
II. Qualifications Must be at least 30 YEARS OLD. Must be a CITIZEN of the United States for AT LEAST 9 YEARS. Must LIVE IN THE STATE in which they are elected.
Famous Former Democratic Senators Obama, IL & Clinton, NY
Republican Senator McCain, AZ
III. Terms of Office Senators are elected for a SIX-YEAR TERM. Elections are held on the FIRST TUESDAY after the FIRST MONDAY in NOVEMBER in EVEN-NUMBERED YEARS. Members of congress begin their term of office on JANUARY 3 in ODD-NUMBERED YEARS.
Senator Daniel Webster
Senator Henry Clay
Senator John C. Calhoun
IV. Senate at Work The 17TH AMENDMENT stated that SENATORS would be elected directly BY THE PEOPLE in their state. The VICE PRESIDENT is the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE. He is NOT an ELECTED member of Congress. The vice president may vote in the senate ONLY TO BREAK A TIE. In the absence of the vice president, the PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE presides. The president pro tempore is from the MAJORITY PARTY.
Progressive Senator Robert Lafollette
Filibuster: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
A weary senator rests on a cot in the Old Senate Chamber during a lengthy filibuster.
Senate Leaders Today President of the Senate: Joseph Biden President Pro Tempore: Daniel Inouye Majority Leader: Harry Reid Assistant Majority Leader/ Whip: Richard Durbin Minority Leader: Mitch McConnell Assistant Minority Leader/ Whip: John Kyl
Section 3 Assessment-2 B ___ cloture A ___ filibuster C Checking for Understanding Match the term with the correct definition. B A C ___ cloture ___ filibuster ___ president pro tempre A. a method of defeating a bill in the Senate by stalling the legislative process and preventing a vote B. a procedure that allows each senator to speak only 1 hour on a bill under debate C. the Senate member, elected by the Senate, who stands in as president of the Senate in the absence of the vice president
Activity: Showing the Senate You and your partner will create a mural that gives and overview of the workings of the Senate. Include in your picture: The senate handling of bills, senate leaders and their jobs, filibuster, president pro-tempore, and/or the calendar Your picture must include color Your picture must take up the entire 2 pages Your picture is worth 15 points, so make it pretty!