The Legislative Branch Congress: The House of Representatives The Senate
Congress: -House of Rep.’s: directly elected Based on population (census) Capped at 435 -Senate: first chosen by state legislatures 2 per state 17th Amendment: chosen by voters -Qualifications: House: 25 yrs.,7 yr. citizen,resident/ 2 yr. term Senate: 30 yrs.,9 yr. citizen, resident/ 6yr.
Leadership Roles House of Representatives The Senate Speaker of the House: chosen by the majority party VERY POWERFUL!!! The Senate President: VP of the US Pres. Pro Tempore: senior member of majority party
Leaders Speaker of the House – Paul Ryan, R. Wisconsin President of the Senate – Mike Pence, R. Indiana President Pro Tempore – Orrin Hatch, R. Utah
Sean Patrick Maloney
NY Senators
Fun Facts! The original House of Representatives had 65 members Average age of today’s rep.s? 53 Most are married, half are lawyers and a large percentage worked in banking, business and education. Nearly all members have advanced college degrees They make about $140,000 a year, with many little extras: travel $, free postal service, etc,. (Leaders in H & S make more $$$).
What is the role of the Legislative Branch??? The #1 job of the House of Reps and the Senate is to MAKE LAWS!!! I'm Just a Bill Ideas: pres., Congress, interest groups, citizens Fun Fact: 11,000 proposed over two year session, but only 1,000 actually become law!
Special / Specific Terms Filibuster Senator can speak for as long as they want during debate 1957 Senator Strom Thurmond tried to stop the passage of a civil rights bill. He spoke for more than 24 hours. He talked about civil rights for several hours He read the voting rights laws from every state He then read the Declaration of Independence aloud ***The bill did pass just two hours later, but Thurmond set a new record for the filibuster All revenue bills (which raise $) must start in the House of Reps
Non-Lawmaking Powers and Responsibilities
Powers of Legislative Branch Implied powers: Not specifically granted to make all laws necessary & proper to carry out their delegated powers Elastic Clause or necessary & proper clause Gives Constitution flexibility Delegated or enumerated: Specifically granted: Declare war coin $ regulate trade – between states and U.S. and foreign raise taxes
Powers (cont.) Non-Legislative Powers: non-law-making powers: House and Senate: admit new states propose Constitutional amendments Only the Senate can: Approve treaties
Powers – Checks and Balances Congressional Override - 2/3 to override president’s veto Senate Approves Presidential Appointments – Cabinet positions and Supreme Court Impeachment powers: “for treason, bribery & other high crimes & misdemeanors” House: brings charges - must determine if there is enough evidence Enough evidence = impeached and heading to trial Senate: tries case 2/3 vote needed to remove official from office
The Intentions of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution The Legislative Branch was supposed to be the strongest/most powerful branch of the government As time has passed and our government has evolved the Executive Branch, or president, has become more powerful