EVOLVE REACH & CONTENT CATEGORIES Evolve audience Depth of a publisher, scale and efficiency of a network
THE PROGRAM PROGRAM OVERVIEW Syndication & distribution via high impact products, throughout our portfolio of male and female sites to encourage app downloads during this key holiday season Mobile swipe gallery to extend the message and drive further consideration for Venmo among users on-the-go CraveOnline Holiday Gift Splitting Editorial and Venmo advertorial sponsorship Custom editorial sponsorship on theFashionSpot to engage the audience and create brand visibility for Venmo, integrating the app within holiday themed content CraveOnline Marquee Pushdown and sliver unit
HOLIDAY GIFT SPLITTING EDITORIAL SPONSORSHIP CRAVEONLINE CONTENT SPONSORSHIP HOLIDAY GIFT SPLITTING EDITORIAL SPONSORSHIP This holiday season, CraveOnline will provide users with some custom editorial content revolving around the hardships of spending money and depleting their funds trying to buy gifts. It’s time to keep your greens and learn how to stay as efficient as possible with CraveOnline’s gift splitting editorial sponsorship. FEATURES Contextually relevant content inspired by the client’s subject matter and provided by a trusted source Promoted via content panel and co-branded media running across relevant sites Possible* Example topics: “Suggestions on stores that have amazing discounts and specials during the holidays” “Tips on getting your family members, significant others or friends to chip in on a gift” “Top 10 Holiday apps to buy this season”
CRAVEONLINE CONTENT SPONSORSHIP VENMO APP ADVERTORIAL CraveOnline will drive brand awareness and help increase app downloads during the holidays for the Venmo holiday gift splitting free app by executing an advertorial. FEATURES Fact based editorial from a trusted source based on the brand’s press release Advertorial posted on CraveOnline promoting Venmo app Advertorial can include embedded client provided video as well to enhance visibility 100% SOV fully branded environment featuring client reskin and ad units Traffic driven via co-brands, mention in content panel and social posts
‘READY FOR THE HOLIDAYS’ EDITORIAL SERIES TOTALLYHER SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY ‘READY FOR THE HOLIDAYS’ EDITORIAL SERIES The holidays are just around the corner and theFashionSpot is here to help those struggling to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones! Through a unique ‘Ready For The Holidays’ editorial series, women 18-24 will be able to shop with ease for friends and family this holiday season! Leveraging the voices of our tFS editors, theFashionSpot will organically integrate Venmo in select articles with potential topics that may include: Stress-Free Ways To Shop For The Holidays 10 Gifts That Keep On Giving Top 5 Group Gifting Solutions Technology That Helps You Gift This Season (Venmo mention) Top Gifts For The Fashionistas In Your Family Articles posted will include a Venmo branded reskin and roadblock. Additionally, select posts will be promoted on theFashionSpot homepage cover panel and social media channels for added reach.
“SPLIT THE COST” PUSHDOWN AND SLIVER RICH MEDIA VIDEO SOLUTIONS “SPLIT THE COST” PUSHDOWN AND SLIVER Upon entry to the site, this custom rich media unit will auto expand (frequency capped 1/24) pushing the site content down. The expanded state of the unit includes a video player, client branding and social click-outs. Plus, users would be able to consume editorial content and interactive with a hot spot map. FEATURES: Desktop and HTML 5 tablet compatible Fully branded environment Hot spot map includes benefits and features of the Venmo app allowing users to roll over to find out info Client site and social click outs Single and multi-video functionality Pushdown runs in marquee leader board position on CraveOnline and top of the page everywhere else DEMO
BRANDED CANVAS HOMEPAGE TAKEOVERS DISTRIBUTION & SYNDICATION CraveOnline and TotallyHer will utilize various high-impact products to distribute and syndicate content throughout our portfolio of sites BRANDED CANVAS HOMEPAGE TAKEOVERS :15 sec video featured in the 300x250 Highlights up to three custom Venmo provided videos Drives users to the official site to learn more High-impact, branded placements across CraveOnline and TotallyHer sites Major reach with scale across Evolve’s breadth of male and female sites Reskins and roadblock units click through to the official site to increase awareness and encourage app downloads
INTERACTIVE PRE-ROLL PRE-ROLL DISTRIBUTION & SYNDICATION Unit runs within pre-roll video across Evolve video network Interactive bug triggers expanded state by user’s roll over initiation Upon initiation, video pauses and reveals a fully branded environment touting client branding Supports multiple click outs including client site, social feeds and app download Features Venmo provided videos Visibility for Venmo throughout multiple sites, in front of relevant video content
mobile solutions – SWIPE GALLERY SWIPER GALLERY CraveOnline and TotallyHer will execute an impactful mobile ad unit that allows the user to see the benefits of using the Venmo free app on their phone during the holiday gift buying season. Showcases the client’s key art and messaging Unit will click through directly to client’s site or app download Expanded state allows the user to swipe to explore video, images and brand messaging Supports multiple click–throughs Supports dynamic messaging DEMO
AWARD WINNING CREATIVE ACHIEVEMENTS Best creative Best in-banner video Best video sponsorship Cross video offline to online campaign Best use of display advertising 2012 Best Parenting Site Nominee / Momtastic.com 2012 Website Excellence theFashionSpot.com EA MMA RESIDENT EVIL THE FASHION SPOT
If they really want something they’ll buy on credit rather than wait Reach and consumption ADULTS 18-49 AUDIENCE 59.7% 63.5% A18-24 Use mobile app for financial services 60% 57.5% Own a Smartphone Research online before major offline purchase 63.1% 59.3% Spenders rather than savers Visits social media sites daily 61.8% 59.1% 63.3% Heavy internet usage Influencers/trendsetters within their communities If they really want something they’ll buy on credit rather than wait Source: comScore Plan Metrix, August 2013
Audience by geographic location 18-24 Audience in urban cities New York 57.2% Philadelphia 53.6% Los Angeles 56.3% Atlanta 59.7% Dallas 52.5%
Audience by geographic location 18-24 Audience in urban cities Detroit 53.7% Boston 62.8% Chicago 58.4% Houston Miami 54.8% 52.5%
Beau LeMire Account Executive Beau.Lemire@craveonline.com 312.235.3860 x2308