From: Endogenic Regulation of Proliferation and Zinc Transporters by Pigment Epithelial Cells Nonvirally Transfected with PEDF Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2011;52(8):5400-5407. doi:10.1167/iovs.10-6178 Figure Legend: The spheroid-based anti-angiogenesis assay confirmed the anti-angiogenic activity of rPEDF. Cumulative sprout length was determined from all sprouts generated from five randomly selected spheroids per well, three wells for each condition. Composite photographs show representative spheroids. Supplementing the conditioned medium of ARPE-19 cells with markedly increased sprouting from 692 ± 82 μm to 4130 ± 516 μm can be seen by the graph (compare first and second bar) and from the spheroid micrographs. Conditioned medium from stably PEDF-transfected RPE[N-PEDF-H-IV] (RPE[PEDF]) cells inhibited significantly the stimulation of sprouting by the endothelial cell growth medium supplement mix; cumulative sprouting was only 1625 ± 445 μm (compare second and third bar and the spheroid micrographs). Depletion of rPEDF from the conditioned medium of stably PEDF-transfected RPE[PEDF] cells almost entirely abolished the inhibition of sprouting (3648 ± 234 μm, compare third and fourth bar and the spheroid micrographs). Date of download: 11/15/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.