Theorem 6.7: Let [G;] be a group and let a, b, and c be elements of G. Then (1)The equation ax=b has a unique solution in G. (2)The equation ya=b has a unique solution in G.
a-k=(a-1)k, ak=a*ak-1(k≥1) Let [G;] be a group. We define a0=e, a-k=(a-1)k, ak=a*ak-1(k≥1) Theorem 6.8: Let [G;] be a group and a G, m,n Z. Then (1)am*an=am+n (2)(am)n=amn a+a+…+a=ma, ma+na=(m+n)a n(ma)=(nm)a
6.3 Permutation groups and cyclic groups Example: Consider the equilateral triangle with vertices 1,2,and 3. Let l1, l2, and l3 be the angle bisectors of the corresponding angles, and let O be their point of intersection。 Counterclockwise rotation of the triangle about O through 120°,240°,360° (0°)
f2:12,23,31 f3:13,21,32 f1 :11,22,33 reflect the lines l1, l2, and l3. g1:11,23,32 g2:13,22,31 g3:12,21,33
6.3.1 Permutation groups Definition 9: A bijection from a set S to itself is called a permutation of S Lemma 6.1:Let S be a set. (1) Let f and g be two permutations of S. Then the composition of f and g is a permutation of S. (2) Let f be a permutation of S. Then the inverse of f is a permutation of S.
Theorem 6.9:Let S be a set. The set of all permutations of S, under the operation of composition of permutations, forms a group A(S). Proof: Lemma 6.1 implies that the rule of multiplication is well-defined. associative. the identity function from S to S is identity element The inverse permutation g of f is a permutation of S
Theorem 6. 10: Let S be a finite set with n elements. Then A(S) has n Theorem 6.10: Let S be a finite set with n elements. Then A(S) has n! elements. Definition 10: The group Sn is the set of permutations of the first n natural numbers. The group is called the symmetric group on n letters, is called also the permutation group.
Definition 11: Let |S|=n, and let Sn Definition 11: Let |S|=n, and let Sn.We say that is a d-cycle if there are integers i1; i2; … ; id such that (i1) =i2, (i2) = i3, … , and (id) =i1 and fixes every other integer, i.e.
=(i1,…, id): A 2-cycle is called transposition. Theorem 6.11. Let be any element of Sn. Then may be expressed as a product of disjoint cycles. Corollary 6.1. Every permutation of Sn is a product of transpositions.
Theorem 6.12: If a permutation of Sn can be written as a product of an even number of transpositions, then it can never be written as a product of an odd number of transpositions, and conversely. Definition 12:A permutation of Sn is called even it can be written as a product of an even number of transpositions, and a permutation of Sn is called odd if it can never be written as a product of an odd number of transpositions.
(i1 i2 …ik)=(i1 i2)(i2 i3)…(ik-2 ik-1)(ik-1 ik)
Even permutation Odd Even permutation Even permutation Odd Odd permutation Odd permutation Even
Even permutation odd permutation Even permutation Even permutation Odd permutation Odd permutation Odd permutation Even permutation Sn= On∪An On∩An= [An;] is a group。
Theorem 6.13: The set of even permutations forms a group, is called the altemating group of degree n and denoted by An. The order of An is n!/2( where n>1) |An|=? n=1,|An|=1。 n>1, |An|=|On|=n!/2
Exercise:P357 15,20, P195 8,9, 12,15,21